Chapter 38

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Carmilla's POV

"I'm a wolf?" Danny's tail starts wagging and her tongue lolls out of her mouth. "Awesome. Why are Carmilla and Mattie so big?"

"They're older." Laura explains.

"Hang on, Hollis. How are we talking?"

"Uh... telekinesis I think. Carm doesn't know either."

"It's so weird to be small." Clifford stares at her paws and then looks up at Laura. "Is this how you feel like all the time?"

Laura bats at her, but Danny dodges at the last second, laughing. "Hey! I'm not short!"

"I'm a foot taller than you." Danny points out.

"That just means you're super tall."

"How did we stay sane while we stayed with these children?" Mattie sighs, sitting down.

"I'm sure you can remember how new and exciting the world was when you first shifted. Not to mention that energy. I'm sure they'll wear each other out."

"They better not try to get me to join their foolish games. I will shred them." Mattie huffs.

Danny's practically vibrating again and then she and Laura run off toward the forest. By listening I can tell that Laura's chasing her but Danny's keeping just out of reach. Xena turns the tables on her and begins chasing Laura. She escapes by climbing up a tree.

"That's not fair, I can't climb this!"

"You know what we could climb?" Laura asks mischievously. Oh no. "We could climb on Carmilla. Not Mattie though, only do that if you have a death wish."

"Dying once was more than enough for me."

I huff out a laugh at that and close my eyes. I fall asleep to the sound of their paws hitting the ground. I'm rudely awoken after what feels like minutes by two sets of tiny claws.

"I can climb her faster than you." Laura brags, already halfway up my side.

Danny doesn't win that race. "It's only because you're used to being tiny."

Laura lets out an angry squeak and the chase resumes.

"You didn't even try to swat them off, Kitty. Are you losing your touch?"

"The only thing I'm losing right now is sleep." I grumble, stretching before lying back down again. I yawn and close my eyes.

"You do know she's not over you." I open one eye. "Don't give me that look, you little monster." She affectionately hits me with her tail. "She isn't over you, Mircalla, and I doubt she ever will be. She killed for you."

"I didn't ask her to." I'm fully awake now, both eyes open and staring at my sister.

"And I'm not saying you did. I'm just reminding you that this is the girl that gave up everything she believed in so that you weren't murdered by dear Vordie. You've finally met your match, darling."

Her words ring in my head. My match. That's what that fairy queen told me... that I'd meet my match. I've suspected that it's Laura for a while now but that just confirms it.

"How can she be my match if she doesn't feel the same?"

"Haven't you read about this? Love doesn't mean the same thing to everyone. But it's still love. You two are the campus' resident star-crossed lovers. I'm certain you two will be able to work it out."

"When did you get so wise and optimistic?"

"Must've been when I died again." Mattie hits me with her tail.

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