Chapter 52

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Carmilla's POV

"Keep everyone away from the crater." I warn them as I sprint away.

Using my supernatural speed, I reach JP in about a minute.

"Miss Karnstein," he greets, looking relieved to see me. "I'm very glad to see you. Miss Perry is nearby. I will get her attention and you do whatever you plan to do." His eyes flicker down to the air cannon, a worried expression on his face.

"This won't kill her." I reassure him.

JP relaxes slightly and gestures for me to follow him. Somehow, we have the luck of having Maman's back to us so she doesn't see us. Not just that, but she's so distracted by whatever her SWAT guys are doing in the crater; she doesn't seem to register our presence at all. That is incredible good luck, so I brace myself for the worst. Something's going to go horribly wrong, I just know it.

"Pardon me, Miss Perry."

JP had the foresight to stay behind me. Mother turns and gets a face full of sleeping powder. She crumples to the ground, letting out quiet snores. That cannot be a Maman thing, so that must be a Perry thing. It makes hope rise in my chest. Maybe this will work.

I tie her up as fast and as silently as I can. I bind her hands and feet together and haul her over my shoulder.

"We need to get back to the others." I tell him as the ground shakes again. I hear the dirt beneath us shift and know that it won't be long until the entire campus collapses. "Run."

We sprint back towards them and the whole way I can feel the ground becoming more and more unstable. Fissures appear and JP and I push ourselves faster until we reach the clearing. I notice straight away that the ground here is much more stable and should be able to withstand the crater swallowing the campus.

I set Maman down and look around. "Where's Laura?"

"She went after you after she thought you'd been gone too long." LaF says, looking behind me. "She isn't with you?"

I spin around, ready to dash back to campus. "I'm going to get her."

Mattie catches my arm. "Whoa, Kitty. She could be fine. That one's more stubborn than anyone I've ever met, and that's saying something. She'll be okay."

"I'm not taking that chance. That campus is about to be swallowed by the crater and if she's there looking for me when that happens..." I take a shuddering breath. "Not even a vampire could survive that."

The ground rumbles again and I hear crumbling in the distance, knowing the crater's beginning to expand.

"Alright. Go save your girl, Kitty. And please, come back with her. We need the both of you for the spell to work. Unless we want to include JP, which we both know the short ginger would kill us for."

"I'll bring her back." I say, mainly to myself. She'll be okay. She has to be.

Then my world comes crashing down around me when I hear Laura scream.


Just to make things worse, I'll remind you of one of Satan's comics. "How's Laura?"

We don't know... yet. But she's screaming, and definitely not in a fun way. So not good!

Thank you guys for reading and stay awesome!

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