Lephala x Gaster!Neko!Sans

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(Lephalacat allowed me to do this YAS)

Sans's POV
I can't believe that I got turned into a fucking cat the other day. Thanks Alphys. Anyway I have been hiding for a long time because I'm afraid to show myself to my crush Lephala... Ah fuck it. I'm gonna go outside and find her. And confess...if I can...

~The time skip was brought to you by my shrieking about Lephala X Gaster!Sans~

Okay...I see her...can I actually do this? Maybe...oh shit she already saw me SHIT. "Another cat? Ho-" Lephala says as she starts walking towards me then stops. "S-sans?! H-how are you a cat?!" Lephala says as she starts running towards me and looks at my ears. She reaches up and strokes them. I immediately start blush and a purr comes out of my mouth. I cover my mouth with a hand...or paw now as I should say as Lephala giggles and continues to pet my ears. "L-lephala please...this is embarrassing me..." I say as another purr comes out. She giggles again and says, "But I'm a cat too you know. This isn't embarrassing." I stuff my face in my jacket as she stops. I peek out of the jacket and say, "W-why did you stop?" She smiles at me and looks at me. Oh wait. She maybe wants a stroke too. I reach down and pet her ears the way she petted mine. She giggles again. My blush starts to go away slowly as I get the courage to lean in and give her a kiss. She blushes madly and after I stop, she stuffs her face in my jacket. I chuckle at her and she mumbles something. "Hmm? What was that?" I say while smirking a little. "Thank you Sans. I...like you too." And she puts her head out and kisses me on the cheekbone.

(Hope ya liked it!)


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