Sick Day

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"Achoo!" I sneezed loudly as I walked down the stairs. I see Papyrus and Sans look at me wide eyes both of them. "HUMAN! ARE YOU OKAY?" Papyrus yelled as he walks out the kitchen. Sans follows close behind him and smile at me. I cough and smile back at him. "Uh, yea I think so at least. Achoo!" Sans hands me a tissue and rubs my back. His cold, bony hands sends chills down my back. "You say that but you don't look so good. Here sit on he couch and cuddle up in this blanket. I can set up some hot cocoa for you." Before I can complain, he teleported me to the couch with a blanket over my head. Then he walked into the kitchen. Papyrus smiles at me and walks out the door. "HUMAN! AS YOUR FRIEND, I SHALL GET SOME MEDICINE FROM DOCTOR ALPYHS. I WILL BE RIGHT BACK." Then he was gone.

"Here y/n. Don't touch the bottom of that cup." He warns me as he sits right besides me and rubs my back again. "Thank you so much Sans but really, you didn't have to do that." "Nonsense y/n. I can't see you sick. It scares me." I giggle at his blushing face. He moves closer and quickly kisses my cheek. We both stare at each other for a while, both blushing madly. Before both of us realized what we were doing, we both kissed each other. We kiss until Papyrus walks in.

"HUMAN I AM BACK WITH THA-" Then we both stop and look at him blushing like crazy. "Uh, hey Papyrus..." I say awkwardly as Sans' whole face goes blue and he puts up his hood and teleports away. "WELL THEN. SORRY THAT I MESSED THAT UP BUT I HOPE YOU FEEL BETTER SOON Y/N." Then he chuckles and walks back outside. Sans teleports back and asks me, "Is he gone?" I jump and smile back at him. "Jesus Sans. And yes he is gone." Sans chuckles and scoots closer and I hug him as we both watch the game show on the TV.


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