Do you believe in love at first sight?

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((OMG we are almost at 2,000 reads let's see if we can get to that this weekend! Also this was requested by @Friskthehumancat thank you for requesting!))

Rain Drop's POV

I'm a new monster to Snowdin. I kinda got tired of Hotland and plus it kinda hurts me living there so I decided to move to Waterfall. But Undyne, who is my neighbour, told me to go to Snowdin for a little while, to see what it is like. I don't think I have ever seen a more cheery town. The shopkeeper is nice, she gave me a discount since I was a new girl to the town and the Inn keeper always kept a smile on her face. The monsters in town also smiled at me and told jokes to their friends. I wish Hotland and Waterfall were like this. But there is one place left in town I have not visited yet. Grillbys. That place is a friendly bar place kinda according to the politics bear who always stands next to it. I walk inside and everyone stares at me. The dog family gives me a smile and the biggest dog gives me a goofy sounding bark making me laugh. The only empty chair was right on the bar so I decided to go to that chair and sit down. Until someone else walked in.

Sans's POV

I heard that there was a new monster visiting town according to Papyrus. He told me that she was a friendly water girl, who laughed at the people's jokes, and smiled back whenever someone smiled at her. I tried to see if she was around town so I shrugged it off for now and went inside Grillbys. She was in there, sitting next to the chair I always sat in. I smiled a bit and walked to my normal chair and told Grillby, "I'll have the usual." And Grillbys goes off. I look at the girl and study her a little bit. She is what Papyrus explained. "Hey, so my brother told me you were visiting this town. How do you like it so far?" I tried to strike up a talk. She turns her head to the side a little bit to look at me and smiled shyly. "This is such a wonderful town! Everyone is so nice to me and it's so cheerful!" She says. I smile at the way she is smiling and feelings had hit my chest. "I'm Sans." I said and held out my hand. She grabs it and smiles as she replies, "I'm Rain Drop. Nice to meet you Sans." As the joy buzzer shocked her. We both laugh. 

Rain Drop's POV

I think I may have feelings for Sans. Even though he is shorter than me, he sure is cute and funny. Oh no. I feel myself turn into ice. Sans looks at me as I turn into ice and is confused. "Uh are a little chilled to the bone there Rain?" Sans says as he chuckles at his own joke. I giggle and nod my head. "My body changes depending on my mood. This just means I'm happy." I don't like lying but I can't say that I fell in love with him right away...though I could try to ask him this. "Hey Sans I got a question for you." "Yea?" "Do you believe in love at first sight?"

((Hoped you like it! Uh yea CRAPPY ENDING THERE KRISTINA yea blame it on me I had no idea how to end it so I decided to end it like that. If I come up with something better I'll change it. Or maybe I'll do a second part since this literally has no fluff in it.))


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