After Pain Comes Love

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(Requested by @SummerMosier thank you!)

Copper's POV

"Sans, are you sure that you are holding the ladder tight?" I ask him. I look down slightly and he nods and gives me a quick thumbs up. Our cat has gone up the tree in our backyard again and I can get him with my powers from here. Frisk and Papyrus are nearby watching and Frisk is clinging to Papyrus tight. "Oh come on (Cat's name) it's okay! Just jump to that tree branch below you and I can catch you with my powers!" I say to the cat. It turns and looks at me and then to the branch below it. It carefully jumps down and then I lift up my hand to pick up the cat. Then the ladder that Sans was holding to keep me steady started to shake. "Woah!" I yelled as the ladder continues to shake. The cat is yowling and Sans is trying to grip on the ladder but can't. Frisk runs outside and catches the cat that had fell from my powers. The ladder tips backwards and I jump to a tree branch as the ladder falls on Papyrus. I try to grab on for dear life since I was so scared of heights. "OW!" I hear Papyrus yell. I feel me being pulled away from the tree and put gently on the ground and see it was Sans. He smiles at me quickly and runs over to Papyrus who is rubbing his skull in pain. Frisk runs after Sans too with the cat in their arms. "Papyrus are you okay? I'm so sorry that I lost control again!" I apoligzed quickly with my head low. Papyrus nods and then laughs. "DON'T WORRY ABOUT ME DEAR COPPER! THE GREAT PAPYRUS IS ALWAYS OKAY!" He says and stands up. His scarf is flying behind him as Frisk laughs and Sans comes over to hug me tight. "Are you okay too?" He asks me as he kisses my cheek. I blush a little and nod as I hug him back. "If everyone is safe and okay, I'm okay too." Sans replies as he kisses me quickly. Rain starts to come so we all walk back inside, and mine and Sans's hands tied together, scared to let go.

(Hope you liked it!)


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