King of Rock and Roll

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Marlena chuckled as she kissed her little brother on top of the head. It was nearing about ten at night, which meant that it was his bed time and Marlena's relaxation time before she wound up falling asleep at some ridiculous hour in the morning. She enjoyed spending time with her brother before he fell asleep, though. When he wasn't in school—which he wouldn't be for the next three months—he spent most of his time up in his room playing on his Xbox or his Playstation. He only ever came out of his room when he was hungry or thirsty, which wasn't very often. He was living the way normal teenage boys enjoyed living, and he wasn't even thirteen yet.

Marlena removed her iPhone 5 from her brother's hands and stood up, more than ready to head back to her room. If she stayed in the room with him any longer he would never go to sleep and would probably keep her up longer than she intended on staying up. She didn't think she could deal with her rambunctious little brother while trying to take care of Bucky; it would most likely end badly.

"Go to sleep, punk," Marlena instructed her brother as she ruffled his hair.

The small boy groaned and pulled his comforter over his body. "Fine, jerk. I'll see you tomorrow, Mar. Goodnight."

"Goodnight," she chimed before switching the light off and heading out of the room.

She quietly padded down the hall to her room so she wouldn't wake Bucky. He had taken quite the liking to her bed after he broke down in the basement. He was exhausted due to the amount of emotional exertion, so Marlena didn't exactly mind it. There was a strong probability that the super-soldier hadn't had a decent amount of sleep in a while, nor had he slept on anything remotely comfortable. Marlena felt it was best if she just allowed him to sleep.

She was met with a surprise, though, as she stepped into her room. Bucky was not asleep, and instead was sitting on her bed with his legs hanging over the side and his head low. The sound of her footsteps caused him to look up, and he gave her a small smile before looking back down.

"I thought you were asleep," Marlena mused as she walked over to her dresser to grab a pair of pajama pants. She had been in her jeans all day and still had yet to change. She figured the best thing to do would be to change them now before she grew too lazy to change them later.

"I thought I was too, but I couldn't seem to get to that point," he sighed.

Marlena frowned at his words and stepped into her closet to change. Once she had her pajama pants on and her flannel off, she stepped back into the room, attracting the attention of Bucky. He raised a brow as he eyed her attire. She still wore her Star Wars shirt from earlier, only now it was paired with her black Star Wars pajama pants.

"I see you enjoy Star Wars, whatever that is," Bucky spoke as he gestured to her outfit.

She glanced down at it and chuckled, pulling her brown hair up into a messy ponytail. "I'd say enjoy is an understatement, and I'm definitely gonna have to show you these movies; I'm probably gonna have to show you a lot of movies."

"I don't think I would mind that," he said to her as he shifted uncomfortably on the bed. He had been in the same clothes for the past few days and it was growing rather uncomfortable for him. Marlena seemed to notice this, and she smirked before walking back out of the room, ignoring Bucky's calls after her.

She hurried down the hall and into her mom's room, strutting over to the large walk-in closet. She made her way towards the very back of the closet and pulled a single box off of the shelf. It was a box full of her dad's clothes that her mom never had the chance to get rid of. It was full of t-shirts, sweatpants, and jeans, which was a stroke of luck for Marlena and even Bucky. Her dad was only slightly smaller than Bucky, so the t-shirts would be a bit tight, but it was better than lounging around in uncomfortable clothes.

Recollection ★ Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now