She's Been Waiting For You

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★ ★ ★

The sun reflected brightly off of the snow that had fallen overnight. The curtains in the guest room of Steve's apartment were closed, but a small sliver of light managed to force its way into the bedroom, bothering its tired occupant.

Marlena groaned as the warmth from the light met her skin, and she pulled the comforter over her head. She sighed in content as she was met with darkness once again, but her contentment only lasted a mere ten seconds before her bedroom door burst open. She didn't need to look up to know that it was Steve; he was the only other person in the apartment with her, and his thoughts were considerably loud—so loud Marlena couldn't not listen to them.

"If you could lower your voice that would be great," Marlena muttered into her pillow. "I'm trying to sleep here."

Steve stopped in his tracks, slightly confused as to what she was talking about. "I haven't even said anything?"

"I can hear your thoughts, Steve," Marlena said as she poked her head out of the comforter to look at him. "And they're loud."

"Oh, I'm sorry," he chuckled, "I'm just excited; today's gonna be great."

She smirked and pulled the comforter back over her head. "Let me know how it goes. I'll be here sleeping if you need me."

"Nope," Steve walked over to the bed and yanked the blanket off of her, causing a groan to escape her lips, "Get up and get dressed. We have someone to go and meet."

Marlena sat up, running a hand through her hair. "I wish you'd tell me who this someone is. I've been trying to figure it out since yesterday, but you've been doing a pretty fantastic job at keeping your thoughts from drifting."

Steve laughed and sat down on the mattress. "I'd hope so. Took some serious training to master it."

"You're a sneaky person, Steven Rogers," Marlena's eyes narrowed, "you and your little friends."

"You have to be sneaky when one of your good friends is a telepath," Steve said as he patted her on the knee and stood up. "But you get dressed and I'll go make you some breakfast. Any requests? I know you're a picky eater."

Marlena thought for a moment before answering him. "How about french toast and bacon?"

"Got it," Steve smiled before heading out of the room.

Marlena hopped off of the bed and moved to grab her bag from the other end of the room before venturing down the hall towards the bathroom to shower. She could've went without one, considering she had taken one before she went to bed, but she found herself wanting to look and smell her utmost best for whoever it was she was going to meet. Surely, if they knew Steve, they were bound to be of importance.

After spending fifteen minutes in the shower, Marlena stepped out to dry herself off. She wasted no time in throwing on the clothes Mason had picked out for her, and to say she was impressed with her little brother's fashion sense was an understatement. She wore a pair of distressed, black skinny jeans, a burgundy-colored sweater, a charcoal grey leather jacket, and a grey knit scarf around her neck. Once she had finished putting on her calf-length boots to match her jacket, she headed out of the bathroom and into the kitchen. Her hair was still wet and her face was free of makeup, but she decided it would be best for her to eat first and worry about her hair and makeup later.

Recollection ★ Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now