Leave No Witnesses

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The Winter Soldier scanned his emotionless blue eyes over the dozens of people gathered inside the rather luxurious ballroom. In the far corner of the room, sitting at one of the many tables, was the man he had been assigned to eliminate for Hydra. He was a former Hydra engineer who had managed to escape after discovering Hydra's true intentions for the world. For the past six years he had been in hiding, secretly devising a plan to out Hydra to the world, and the Winter Soldier was the one best fit for putting a stop to his schemes.

The Soldier grasped his pistol tightly in his right hand and stood up from his seat. He quickly made his way through the small crowd of people, ignoring their annoyed protests as he shoved his way passed them. He couldn't worry about the extra amount of people in the room, for they all would cease to exist in a matter of minutes or seconds even. He was taught not to leave a single witness behind, and he would continue to follow through with that order until he was given a different one.

He was nearing the table the man sat at but stopped before he could get too close. He stood about twenty feet away from his target and aimed the gun toward him without another thought. He pulled the trigger, producing a loud clack. The sound echoed throughout the ballroom, prompting several frightened screams from the party guests. The Soldier watched as the now-dead body of his target fell to the floor and pulled out his assault rifle and a couple grenades, wasting no time at all in using them to rid the room of the dozens of witnesses.

In minutes, several people lay dead on the ground. Others had attempted to make their way out through the ballroom doors, but the Winter Soldier would not allow them the opportunity to escape before shooting them down.

Leave no witnesses, the voice inside his head told him as he approached several injured party-goers. They pleaded with him to spare their lives, but he paid them no mind whatsoever. Their tears, their screams, and their pain meant absolutely nothing to the Soldier. He was built and trained to kill, not to show mercy. The Soldier spared no time at all, and in seconds there were three bullets lodged into the heads of the the party guests on the floor in front of him.

With his work done, he strapped his assault rifle to his back and began making his way towards the ballroom door, stepping over countless bodies and avoiding the pools of blood on the floor. He stopped, though, when he reached the doorway. A small whimper could be heard from the opposite side of the room, and he shot his head towards the direction in which it came from. Someone was alive, and he was mentally scolding himself for not doing a thorough sweep of the room before attempting to leave. It was unlike the Soldier to be so careless when it came to assignments such as this one.

The whimpering continued, and the Soldier stalked over to the opposite side of the room as quickly as he possibly could. He could hear the person's breath quicken as they listened to the loud sound of his footsteps, and this only managed to reveal their whereabouts to him. He latched onto a wooden chair and tossed it clear across the room, prompting the person beneath the table to let out a squeal. It was a woman, but the Soldier didn't seem to care much. He reached his metal hand down and grabbed the female by her arm, ignoring the dangerous amount of cries and pleas escaping her form.

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