Screw A Bedtime Story

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Marlena sat perched up against the wall next to the window in her room just watching the snow fall onto the luminescent city below; she'd been stationed there since she left the lab about an hour ago.

Marlena was no longer on the suppressors. It had taken almost the entire day just to reverse the effects and get her back on track, but Marlena didn't mind it much at all. She wasn't as scared as she thought she would've been either, and she was more than convinced Tony had something to do with it. It would be a few days until her abilities were back to normal, but that she was thankful for; it would give her time to adjust to being off the suppressors before transitioning into her work on controlling her abilities.

A gust of cool air whipped at Marlena's skin as she sat, eliciting a shiver from her. She was wrapped up tightly in a throw blanket, as well as one of Bucky's hoodies. The temperature in the bedroom—and the entire tower—was particularly chilly, as Tony seemed to enjoy the cold rather than the warm, regardless of whatever season it was. Marlena's petite body did not enjoy the cold, however, so she was forced to spend her days wrapped up in an abundant amount of warm clothes to conserve her body heat.

Though Marlena was not a fan of the cold weather, she was a fan of snow and an even bigger fan of watching it fall. She loved the way the beautiful white of the snow reflected the numerous lights illuminating the city; the scene was beautiful in her opinion.

As Marlena gazed out of the window, she couldn't help but wish she was back home in Washington DC watching the snow fall with her family. She knew her family was supposed to be arriving at the tower any day now, and she loved that she was finally getting the chance to see them after being away from them for so long, but she wanted nothing more than to be back home. She missed her own bed, she missed being around her brother every day, and she missed the comfort and the security of being under her own roof.

Her family seemed to be all she could think about since she'd left the lab, or, more specifically, her dad seemed to be all she could think about. She had calmed down a lot since her talk with Steve earlier that morning, but she was still upset. She found that she was mostly upset because she missed her dad, but she was still considerably upset with Bucky as well. His words still hurt, although she knew he didn't mean them.

Marlena pulled her blanket tightly over her chest, pulling her hair in the process. She rolled her eyes in agitation and let the blanket fall, grabbing the black elastic off of her wrist. Her hair had grown a substantial amount since she had first been captured by Hydra, and it was only becoming more and more difficult to take care of as it continued to grow. She believed it was nearing time for a haircut, and she was determined to get one before Christmas.

She attempted to pull her hair up into a ponytail, but her injured arm would not grant her the opportunity. Bruce had instructed her to take it easy so she didn't rip out her stitches, and because the wound sat centimeters away from the crease of her elbow, putting her hair up was an even more difficult task than it originally should have been.

With a sigh of frustration, Marlena threw the hair elastic to the floor. She ran her good hand through her unruly hair and sat back against the wall, pulling the blanket back over her body.

"You could let me do that," a voice sounded, grabbing Marlena's attention.

She jumped, slightly startled, and turned to look at Bucky who was now making his way toward her. She could only watch in silence as he bent down and picked the elastic up off of the floor before kneeling down beside her.

Recollection ★ Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now