You Have A Visitor

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Popping another Cheez-It in her mouth, Marlena shook her head in an attempt not to laugh and choke on her food at Bucky's actions. He had been trying to cheer her up all morning—and honestly, she knew exactly what he was doing, but she went along with it despite how guilty she had felt upon waking up.

The only thing that was keeping her in a manageable, normal state was the injection that Bruce had to use on her the night before—and again shortly before she woke up, just to ensure that it wouldn't ware off; she obviously, seeing as what happened after she'd awoken from a nightmare just hours before, was not in the best mental condition. Her psionics only put herself and everyone else in the building in a potentially dangerous situation, and that was something that neither Bruce nor Tony could risk.

Now, she sat criss-cross in Bucky's bed, peering at him with round, hazel eyes where he sat perched across from her, towards the end of the bed. All of her physical abilities were dormant as they had been when she'd awoken the morning after the Halloween party. Judging from the amount of the concoction, Marlena figured out that this was a project Tony and Bruce had worked quite hard on—and they definitely didn't lack any of the substance. It was irksome to have part of who she was now taken from her, but she had to remind herself that it was only temporary and she could also go about her day with one less thing to worry about.

"Okay, what about this?" Bucky cleared his throat and cocked an eyebrow as he sung the lyrics to another song, wanting Marlena to guess what he was singing.

Of course, the songs Bucky usually sang were not of Marlena's generation, but thankfully she was an old soul when it came to music; she had no preference, as long as she liked the music. Sometimes, especially before Hydra interfered with their lives, Marlena would introduce Bucky to new songs—or just songs that she loved. All songs released after the early forties were considered new to Bucky, though.

"What about it? You sound like a dying walrus," Marlena teased, thinking in her head as she spoke.

"Rude," Bucky fake pouted as he grabbed a Cheez-It that had somehow escaped the bag, throwing it right at her nose. "I was singing one of your favorites."

"One of my favorites, huh? I don't think I heard you clearly, mind singing it again?" she asked slyly.

"No chance in hell am I making a fool out of myself in front of you again." Bucky huffed, poking her nose.

"Oh, stop poutin', Buck." Marlena giggled, leaning forward and pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. "I know what you were singing, or at least trying to sing."

Bucky rolled his eyes playfully. "I'm sure you did."

"Can't Help Falling In Love, duh," Marlena chuckled. "I'd know it regardless of who was singing it."

"I'm gonna sing another." Bucky opened his mouth to continue his singing session, but Marlena clamped a hand over his mouth, muffling whatever sound had come out of it.

"Don't strain yourself, Barnes," she chuckled.

Bucky glared at her, and seconds later Marlena was ripping her hand away from his mouth and wiping it on her shirt.

"Ew, Bucky," she groaned. "Why are you so childish?"

"Because you're judgmental," Bucky responded simply. "And you kiss me all the time. Why is me licking your hand such a big deal?"

"Because I don't know where your mouth has been."

Bucky shrugged. "On you."

Recollection ★ Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now