This Is Gonna Hurt

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Marlena's body trembled violently as the lingering pain circulated throughout her body. She wasn't sure what they did to her, and she didn't think she wanted to know, but she knew that she never wanted to be subject to such immense pain again. It had been two days—or so she believed—since Hydra had locked her into that machine, and even now the pain was still as great as it had been when it first began. It definitely was not as intense or as scream-worthy, but it was still there, and she wanted nothing more than for it to disappear. The pain made it almost impossible for Marlena to function; she could not speak, she could barely move without being subject to more pain, and she could hardly think. Her only lucid thoughts pertained to Bucky, as per usual.

She wanted nothing more than to be free of this place so she could see Bucky again—be with Bucky again. She wanted to be back home laying safe in the comfort of his arms. She wanted to fall asleep to him absentmindedly playing with her hair. She wanted to hold his metal hand comfortingly in hers in order to reassure him that he didn't need to be ashamed of it as she knew he was. She wanted to be with him again, back where she truly belonged. She couldn't stand being away from Bucky, and it was only now that she was beginning to realize just how emotionally painful the situation truly was. The emotional pain only added onto the physical pain she was feeling, and, like yesterday, it was becoming almost unbearable to handle. It was enough to send a single tear falling down her face.

Marlena couldn't help but wonder whether or not Bucky was trying to find her. She didn't doubt that he was, but then again she couldn't be so sure. If he cared about her nearly as much as she cared about him, then it was obvious he would be busting his ass to find her. But there were also difficulties regarding the situation at hand. Bucky could very well believe that Hydra had merely killed her off, which in turn meant that he saw no reason to come after her. The thought alone made her want to leave the retched facility more than she already did. If her thoughts proved to be true, then she would never find her way out, so she needed to orchestrate some sort of plan to get out herself.

The only problem with this plan, though, was that she was Marlena Claire. There was only one of her and hundreds of Hydra agents, each of them equipped with their own personal array of lethal weapons. She knew basic fighting skills—although she had never once used them—but even so she would be no match for the hundreds of skilled employees the facility had to offer. Their skills were roughly a hundred times better than hers, including the laboratory workers. She would barely make it passed two agents before being thrown back into her cold, lonely cell.

The door to Marlena's cell was pushed open, and Marlena squinted her eyes at the sudden brightness before finally managing to focus her attention on the man walking into the room. It was Brock Rumlow, just as she expected it to be. He had been watching her for the past couple of days, making sure she was properly hydrated and fed. He hated playing babysitter, that much she could tell, but he wouldn't be complaining about it any time soon. His boss had entrusted him with her, which meant that he was in charge of everything that was to happen to her, at least to an extent he was.

Because of this—and because of his enormous ego—he was intent on doing whatever it took to make Marlena better than Bucky, or in his case, the Winter Soldier. He wanted to create a Hydra weapon so lethal that even the Winter Soldier would cower in fear. Despite the fact that she was to be the Winter Soldier's partner, she would be the most lethal of the two if Rumlow had anything to do about it. It was the reason why he was in her cell at the moment. He was ready to begin working on making Marlena the world's deadliest assassin—he was ready to begin making her a force to be reckoned with.

"Get up, kid," Rumlow instructed her. "We have work to attend to."

Marlena pushed her trembling body off of her cot and stood up, trying her absolute best not to fall over. She wanted to deny him, she wanted to argue with him, but she couldn't bring herself to do so. Had she even attempted, she would've been drug out of the cell, thus adding on to the already-existing pain inside her body. She thought it would be best to just listen to him; it would save him the time and her the pain.

Marlena couldn't seem to find her legs though. The pain in her head was still too great for her to think or function properly. Rumlow noticed the frown on her face as she looked down to her legs, and he sighed, understanding what the problem was. He knew that the procedure they had performed two days ago had been painful for her, and he was told to give her a maximum time of three days to recover from it, but he was never one to listen.

He walked over to her and scooped her up in his arms. He didn't have the time to wait for her to figure out how her legs worked, and it wasn't as if she was going to be using her legs for what was about to happen in the first place.

Marlena didn't care enough to try and fight her way out of his arms. Instead, she rested her limp head against his chest, and just lay in his arms, waiting for him to arrive at wherever it was he was planning on taking her.

Rumlow soon arrived back at the laboratory he had brought her to only a couple days ago. He carried her over to a different section of the laboratory, where workers were running around, fumbling with a large machine. He placed Marlena down on the chair sitting in front of the machine and knelt down in front of her.

"This is gonna hurt a lot, Marlena," Rumlow told her, "but that's the only way we'll know you'll be one hundred percent on Hydra's side."

Marlena couldn't comprehend the meaning of his words, and she didn't exactly feel like asking him what he meant. The only thing she could do in response to his words was nod as if she understood.

Rumlow smirked in triumph and gestured the workers to begin the procedure. One of the workers placed a mouth piece inside her mouth, and in seconds they were ready to begin. Multiple buttons were pressed, and Rumlow watched as a machine—much like the one that had been used on her two days ago—wrapped itself around her head.

Marlena took a deep breath as she felt the cold metal wrapping itself around her head, and she balled her hands into fists, trying to prepare herself for the pain that was sure to come. She closed her eyes, waiting on the pain from yesterday to consume her again.

The machine started, and Marlena was met with more pain, only this pain was a lot different than what she had been subject to two days ago. This pain was electric rather than burning, and Marlena knew instantly what they were trying to do to her. She could recall Bucky talking about how they used strong volts of electricity to wipe his memory clean, and the fact that they were attempting to do it to her scared her to death.

Marlena didn't want to let go of her memories. She refused to let go of her memories—she refused to let go of Bucky. She would fight until she couldn't fight anymore. She would make it back to Bucky, and she didn't care what she had to do to achieve that.

Recollection ★ Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now