My Best Pal

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WARNING: I would like to apologize beforehand for the intense fluffiness and cliche-ness of the first part of this chapter

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He only had eyes for her. Despite the countless attention from the dozens of other girls—and even men—roaming the fairgrounds, his attention remained solely on the small brunette happily skipping around in front of him.

Bucky was never one to be in a serious relationship. He was never one to possess such intense feelings for a girl, but something about this girl was different than all of the others he had been involved with, and he couldn't exactly figure out what it was. The only thing he was aware of was that he had never felt this way for anyone before, he had never felt so strongly for anyone before, and he didn't particularly mind it either. She made him feel like he belonged; she made him feel like he was at home. His feelings had even grown to the point of him never wanting to be without her. He was definitely not the clingy type, but he made sure to see her whenever he was able, otherwise he would be at a loss without her presence.

"C'mon, Buck," the brunette chirped as she grabbed his hand, igniting a sensation within him that he had only ever experienced with her. "Stop oglin' and get on the ferris wheel with me."

The sound of her voice alone was enough to ignite a feeling of happiness and content within Bucky. He absolutely adored her, adored everything about her. He adored the melodic sound her voice produced when she spoke; he adored the way her hazel eyes lit up in excitement over the smallest of things; he adored the contagious smile that lit up her face when she was happy; he adored the way her brown hair sat perfectly on her shoulders. She would never believe it, no matter how many times he told her, but in Bucky's eyes she was the only definition of beautiful that existed.

"Alright, Mar," he chuckled as she pulled him along. "I can only move so fast, doll."

Marlena giggled—sending an automatic smile onto Bucky's face—and stopped walking. "I'm sorry, I'm just excited. I've never been on a ferris wheel before."

She spoke nothing but the truth, and that was one of the reasons Bucky had brought her to the fair in the first place. Although her family was wealthy enough to afford tickets to the fair every year, she never had anyone to accompany her as her mother was always at work, and her brother was much too small to ride the rides. She had talked about wanting to go to the fair since she and Bucky met, and he bought tickets the moment they released fair dates. He had received a mild scolding for spending money on her, but in the end she was happy he had done it for her, and that was really the only thing Bucky cared about—her happiness. 

"Well, now you can say you've been on one." He smirked down at her and intertwined their fingers together before pulling her into the carriage the fair worker had waiting for them.

Marlena almost squealed in excitement as she boarded the ride, and Bucky found himself smiling at her once again. He was sure to acquire arthritis in his jaw within the next few years just because of how much Marlena made him smile.

Before long the ferris wheel began moving, and Marlena threw herself against Bucky, startled by the abruptness of the action. He chuckled and hugged her to his side, placing a gentle kiss on top of her head. Marlena smiled widely at the notion and squeezed him tighter, admiring the way she fit so perfectly in his arms. If the choice was hers, she would stay wrapped up in his arms forever.

Recollection ★ Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now