Feeling of Home

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After the quinjet had landed, Marlena was fast asleep. Even after being nudged by Bucky several times, the girl didn't even move a muscle. She looked so peaceful—so still—and Bucky knew it had probably been months since she'd been able to sleep well. If Marlena's experiences with Hydra were anything like his, he didn't have the heart to wake her from her slumber.

Her long eyelashes contrasted so beautifully against the fair skin of her cheek bones. Her lips were expressionless, not a frown to be seen. Her cheeks were tinted pink, bringing color to her porcelain complexion. Bucky could stare at her for hours—not in a creepy way, but in admiration. He loved Marlena more than she could ever know.

Instead of waking her, he scooped her up soundlessly and the group headed back to Sam's place, where Bucky was quite reluctant to stay again.

"At least get some sleep, Buck. You can take Marlena home tomorrow." Steve sighed, glancing over at the couch where Bucky had laid Marlena down.

Either she was a heavy sleeper, he thought, or she hadn't had a good night's sleep since Hydra took her.

"I made a promise to bring Miranda her daughter back." Bucky looked over at his sleeping beauty, too, before returning his attention to Steve. "You didn't see the look on her face when I told her that Marlena was dead."

"I understand," Steve nodded, placing a firm hand on Bucky's shoulder, "get out of here. Go." He gave his friend a tired smile, pulling his hand away.

Bucky pulled Steve into a tight hug, Steve patting him on the back.

"Thank you, Steve, for helping me, for not giving up on this. I would have never found Marlena without you." Bucky smiled, the thought of having Steve back in his life along with Marlena striking him.

"I'd do anything for ya, Buck. I'm with you 'til the end of the line," Steve replied, causing Bucky's smile to falter.

He had said that exact same thing while Bucky was beating the shit out of him on the helicarrier, seconds before he plummeted into the Potomac. Even after all they had been through, they were able to make amends and become friends again, and without Steve, Bucky would not have found Marlena in time. She could have been the next weapon of Hydra, but instead she was still in tact, just stronger than before.

Bucky pulled away from the hug, nodding in response, "I would do the same for you, Steve."

Steve nodded back, smiling as he watched Bucky walk over to the couch and pick Marlena up gently.

After struggling to get Marlena's sleeping body in the passenger seat of the jeep, the sound of the door shutting caused her to stir. Bucky opened the driver's side door and climbed in, starting the engine. He glanced over at Marlena, her eyes fluttering open as he pulled out onto the main road.

"Bucky," Marlena rubbed her eyes sleepily, then looked out of the window. "Where are we?"

"Leaving Sam's," he answered simply, his eyes refocusing on the road ahead. "How do you feel?"

"Exhausted," Marlena answered, looking over at him.

She smiled to herself as she watched him drive, his blue eyes reflecting the blues of the world outside of the window. It was raining, and the sound of the drops hitting the roof of the car was soothing. She pulled her legs up into the seat, reclining back in it.

"You look tired, yourself." She sighed, her hand reaching across the middle console.

The corner of Bucky's lip turned up into the hint of a smile and he shot her a sideways glance, his right hand leaving the steering wheel. His fingers intertwined with hers and he smiled at the physical contact. Ever since they'd been reunited, he found it hard to have zero physical contact with her. He wanted more than anything to hold her and fall asleep next to her as they used to before Hydra disrupted their lives.

Recollection ★ Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now