Maybe One Day

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The Avengers Tower was bustling with life, just as it was during all of Tony's spectacular parties. Various genres of music echoed loudly, so loudly the party goers were sure it could be heard in upper Manhattan; guests sipped at their drinks, and some even had to be escorted out because of too much alcoholic intake.

The party had started roughly half an hour earlier, yet guests were still arriving. Marlena just so happened to be one of those guests.

As Marlena worked her way around the room, Tony was the first to spot her small figure pushing through the crowd of people in costumes—none of whom Marlena knew. His lips formed a huge grin as he walked towards her, his eyes scanning over her costume to make sure all was in place.

"Woah there, kiddo, you look even better than I thought you would," Tony exclaimed, chuckling as he approached her.

"Thanks. . .I think?" Marlena replied with a hint of a smile. "Who are you supposed to be again? Nothing looks different."

"Dr. Bruce Banner, can't you tell?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

Marlena narrowed her eyes at him, obviously not seeing the difference.

"The glasses, Sergeant." Tony rolled his eyes, pointing to his glasses and then taking a sip from the wine glass in his left hand.

"I thought you were gonna paint yourself green or something, honestly," Marlena chuckled, as his right hand rested on Marlena's back.

He began walking over to someone, Marlena walking along with him.

"God, no. I would never mutilate myself with such a horrible thing," he explained.

"Gamma radiation?"

"No. . .body paint. It's a bitch to get off, you know," Tony stated as he stopped in front of a man whose back was facing them.

"Rhodey," Tony spoke up, causing the man to turn around. "I'd like you to meet my new gal pal."

"Woah, Stark, what happened to Pepper?" Rhodey replied, facing the two.

"Um, ew. This is not a Pepper replacement, do you really think I'd go for someone so young? Besides, she's a little too butch for me anyways," Tony chuckled, glancing sideways at Marlena.

It took her a few seconds to realize that he was referring to her costume.

"I'll kick your ass, Stark," Marlena smirked.

"You wish, princess. Anyways, Rhodey, this is Marlena. Marlena, this is Rhodey."

Marlena smiled politely, though she knew her expression was a bit puzzled as she was trying to figure out Rhodey's costume. He was decked out in black leather from neck to toe, gold tassel accents around his shoulders and the bottoms of his pants. Finally, it clicked once she realized he was wearing a wig.

"What? Never seen a black Elvis before?" Rhodey must have noticed her confusion, because he was already picking on her.

Marlena's eyes widened and before she could say anything, Tony was already bursting into a fit of laughter, Rhodey also cracking a smile.

"I'm just teasing you. It's lovely to meet you, Marlena." Rhodey held out a hand for her to shake.

"Nice to meet you, too." Marlena smiled politely.

Recollection ★ Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now