Guns Aren't My Style

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★ ★ ★

"I can't believe they made us wait two damn weeks for a quinjet." Bucky frowned, pulling his black glove onto his metal hand.

He had retrieved his Winter Soldier suit from its hiding spot in the woods, where it had been tucked away in the dirt ever since he dragged Steve's unconscious body out of the Potomac.

"I'm sorry, Buck, but Maria tried everything to get us one sooner." Steve sighed, glancing at his friend as he attached his shield to his back.

"I know. Let's just get going." Bucky slipped his black boots on and stood up from his seat inside of the jet.

"You ready, Natasha?" Steve called out, turning to face the front where the redhead sat in the pilot's seat, clad in her black spandex suit.

"I was born ready, Rogers." She winked, starting up the engine.

It was only a matter of minutes before they were up and flying, and Sam was more than excited that the Winter Soldier Squad was finally getting some action.

"The squad is back at it and may I say, looking sexy as ever." Sam smirked, pushing his red tinted goggles on his face.

"Is he always like this?" Bucky's lips were still pulled down into a frown. He was agitated that Sam was making this mission out to be fun. None of it was fun for Bucky. He was out for vengeance and he assumed Sam was not aware of how far he would go to get justice for Marlena.

"Shut up, Wilson, or I'll turn this quinjet around," Natasha yelled flatly from the cockpit.

Steve gave Sam a look and sat in the seat next to Bucky, placing a hand on his friend's shoulder.

"We will take down Hydra, Bucky. Permanently," Steve said quietly, his facial expression serious and sincere.

Bucky turned to Steve, a weary look on his face. He nodded, his icy blue eyes staring at his friend.

"I'm with you till the end of the line," the words Steve had told him that day on the helicarrier even after Bucky had tried to kill him echoed in Bucky's mind. Steve had never given up on him and for that, Bucky was eternally grateful. He would never be able to thank Steve enough.

"I won't stop until every last one of them is dead, Steve. I mean it." Bucky clenched his jaw, looking away from his friend and focusing his gaze on his booted feet.

Steve didn't say anything, but he kept his hand firmly on Bucky's shoulder. He knew how pained Bucky was from Marlena's death; he understood what it felt like. After all, Steve had thought that he'd lost Bucky all those years ago. He blamed himself for it, too, just as Bucky felt that it was he who was at fault for Marlena's death.

Recollection ★ Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now