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Recollection has taken many hours, days, weeks, and months to write, and I am very honored to have been a part of writing it. We have put in all of our effort into thinking of ideas and plots that would set this story apart from any other, and I think we succeeding in doing just that. I'm actually sad that we've finished, because writing this was something I always looked forward to doing and we were always brainstorming new ideas together and going back and changing things within it; however, I am so excited to have published it, and I hope everyone who's read it has enjoyed it. I really feel connected to this book and the characters in it, both Marvel's and those of our own creation.

In the beginning, primuskat was simply writing this Bucky Barnes fanfiction for me, with the main character based off of me, yet somehow it has become so much more than that and it has become a combined effort between us, and I am so proud of us for ending up with this final product. I also cannot wait to start writing the sequel after seeing Civil War (only God knows how many times) and I hope you guys love Recollection as much as I do.

— Mar // savagesociety

Recollection ★ Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now