Daddy Barton Is Here For You

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★ ★ ★

It was nearing dusk in New York City. The Avengers Tower was moderately quiet; the only sounds to be heard were the soft murmurs of the group of Avengers, including Bucky and Marlena, gathered in the loft of the tower. Tony had called them down to the loft quite some time ago, but he still had yet to make an appearance. The group wasn't exactly sure what he could possibly want with them this late in the evening, nor were they very pleased about it. They had all been consumed within their own activities, only to be interrupted by Tony's supposed urgency.

Natasha had been training with Steve when the two of them received Tony's message to meet in the loft. This annoyed both of them, as it had been the only time the pair had been allowed any alone time with each other in months. Every opportunity the two had to be alone with each other, they would be sure to take it, but they would prefer that specific alone time to not be interrupted, whether or not they were training or just watching a movie.

Sam, who had just arrived back in the city from Washington DC, barely had time to settle himself before he was informed by JARVIS that Tony needed him in the loft. He had been planning on greeting his fellow Avengers as he usually did and then heading to his room to eat and spend the rest of the night watching old movies. It was what he normally did when he first arrived back at the tower after an extended period of time, but now he wasn't able to do so because of Tony's incessant ways.

Clint had been on the phone with his wife and kids when JARVIS called for him, and to keep the secret of his family away from him and the rest of the team, he had no choice but to hang up the phone and head out as he had been instructed to do.

Thor had been doing what any normal Asgardian god would do during their free time while on Earth: enjoying a box of his favorite breakfast pastries while watching Gladiator in his room.

Bruce had been in the lab, as per usual, analyzing the work he and Tony and been doing on Marlena. He was getting closer and closer to figuring out the extent of her abilities, and Tony's call to gather the team had only annoyed him. He wanted to continue his work in order to further assist Marlena in controlling herself, but he couldn't do so because of Tony, who, by the way, was supposed to be helping him. 

Bucky had been working out in the gym portion of the training center when Steve came and told him about Tony's apparent need to speak to everyone.

Marlena was the last to know. She had been spending her evening napping after enduring an exhausting day of tests and evaluations, as well as training with Clint. She was quite possibly the most annoyed out of them all, and that was because naps meant everything to Marlena. She did not appreciate being woken up from them, no matter what was going on. She would've been okay learning about the situation after waking up, but apparently what Tony had to talk about was urgent, which required Bucky removing her from her slumber long before she wished it to happen.

Recollection ★ Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now