Caught In A Lie

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★ ★ ★

Marlena had not been expecting her mission with Steve to turn out the way it had, but she was glad she came, nonetheless. Had she not, Steve would have been left to handle the situation on his own, and that was not something she particularly wanted. She was the only one in the tower who was able to assist him, and she refused to leave him alone to fight a band of Hydra agents alone.

Despite the fact that Marlena was without her abilities, she was handling herself exceptionally well. She and Steve had fought off a good number of Hydra agents, but more and more were coming, meaning the fight was not over just yet.

"The base is still a good ways away, Steve. I don't think we're gonna make it undetected," Marlena said as she pulled the front of her catsuit over her chest. Her suit was still back home in Washington, so she was forced to sneak the one Natasha had wore to the Halloween party back in October. It was slightly too big for her, though, as Natasha had bigger hips and a bigger chest than Marlena. Marlena managed to make it work, though; she refused to let it interfere with the mission.

Steve eyed the perimeter, watching out for any stray agents, though the number of trees made it quite difficult for him to detect anything. "Possibly. Do you hear anyone?"

Marlena furrowed her eyebrows and listened but heard nothing. "No, I don't."

He glanced down at her. "I mean, do you hear anyone's mind?"

Marlena's eyes widened slightly in response to his question. This was the one thing she had been truly afraid of happening—Steve mentioning her nonexistent abilities, which, by the way, he had no clue were nonexistent in the first place. No one except Bruce and Tony knew Marlena was still on the suppressors; Bucky wasn't even aware. She was scared to tell anyone about it—she was scared they would give her hell for being too scared to attempt to control her powers, and she didn't think she would be able to handle it if that were to happen.

"U-uh," Marlena stammered. "I don't know."

Steve gave her a look. "What do you mean you don't know?"

Marlena frowned and scratched the back of her head, still surveying the area for any potential threat. "I don't have my powers, Steve, meaning I couldn't detect anyone even if I wanted to," she said quietly, removing herself from behind the tree to begin her careful trek to the base.

She didn't get very far, though; Steve grabbed her by the arm and pulled her back, turning her body so that she was now facing him.

"What the hell do you mean you don't have your powers, Marlena?" he asked.

She sighed and removed her arm from his hold. "I'm still on the suppressors, okay? It's really not that big of a deal."

Recollection ★ Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now