An Unexpected Offer

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★ ★ ★

Marlena had spent the past week doing nothing but mental evaluations and working on controlling her abilities. It was an agonizing process for her, but Tony was very helpful in regards to everything that was happening inside her head, as well as the rest of her body. She was a quick learner when it came to her abilities, though, and that was something Tony noticed about her almost immediately. Though he believed her abilities to be dangerously powerful and very unpredictable, after a bit of tinkering and concentration, Marlena seemed to be able to control them without much effort. To Tony, the progress she was making was exceedingly impressive, and it was because of that he knew exactly why Hydra gave her the alias of Prodigy; it was unusual for someone to grasp such an ability so quickly, so effortlessly.

Marlena was most certainly not without flaw, though. Her emotions were a very important and very crucial aspect of her abilities, and if she were to lose control of them, she would lose control of herself, and that particular issue was something Tony had been working his ass off to help prevent. It would be awhile before Marlena was ever completely in control of her powers, but Tony was determined to make sure it happened regardless.

Although Marlena spent most of her time in the lab with Tony and Bruce during her stay at the tower, she would always find some time to head down to the training center to work out with one of the Avengers or Bucky. Because of them, she enjoyed staying at the tower much more than she originally anticipated she would. Over the course of the seven days she had spent at the tower, she had become particularly close with the members of the Avengers.

Clint was quite possibly her favorite Avenger, aside from Steve, Sam, and Natasha. He reminded her of her father, and because of that she found it fairly easy to bond with him. He was the one who always volunteered to work out and spar with her, even though he knew she would defeat him every single time.

Thor was her next favorite. His remarks never failed to make her laugh, and he was always the one to step up and defend her whenever Tony made some snide remark. That is, of course, if Bucky or Steve were absent.

She couldn't exactly classify Bruce and Tony, though. As of right now, Marlena didn't see them as Avengers; she saw them as her caretakers. She absolutely adored Bruce, and although Tony could be a bit calloused and arrogant sometimes, she adored him just as much. They were both doing everything he could to help her control and assess her abilities, and because of that she was thankful.

Currently, Marlena was in the training center with Natasha. The two had been sparring with each other for the past forty-five minutes. Natasha had been teaching her "mini-me" some of her signature moves, some of which Marlena had already acclaimed, which, by the way, surprised the living hell out of Natasha. The moves she didn't know, however, were much more complex, but Marlena was able to learn them quickly.

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