Respect Your Elders

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Marlena let out a sigh of content as she got off the couch to remove the disc from the DVD player. Bucky sat on the couch staring at the television screen in complete and utter despair. The two of them had just finished watching Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi. Since Marlena had returned home from her short time at Sharon's apartment, she and Bucky had been engaging in a rather emotional Star Wars marathon. It was amusing for Marlena to watch Bucky become so enthralled with the movies, yet she also found it to be very cute. He was very invested in them, quite possibly even more than she was, and she found herself to be completely in love with it.

"I can't believe I just watched all of those just for that to happen," Bucky grumbled. He enjoyed the movies, but he was less than pleased with the ending of the final one. Darth Vader had died, and Bucky wasn't sure how he should feel about it. Darth Vader had been his favorite character, and watching him die didn't exactly go very well for him.

"You should have seen it comin', Buck," Marlena said as she knelt down on the floor in front of the entertainment system. They had been watching Star Wars all day, and now that they were finally finished Marlena believed it would be best to introduce him to more of her favorite movies.

"At least now I know why you like these movies so much—you're practically an Emu," Bucky teased as Marlena grabbed the first Transformers movie from her collection.

She scoffed and tossed the DVD case beneath the television before turning to look at Bucky. "First of all, they're called Ewoks. Second of all, why am I one?"

"Because you're a small teddy bear, and I just feel as if I need to hold you close to me," Bucky answered with a smirk on his face.

Marlena laughed and shook her head before turning back around to tend to the DVD player. It was corny remarks such as that one that made Marlena's feelings for the former assassin grow. She couldn't help it, and she didn't really think she wanted to. Bucky made her feel comfortable, he made her feel happy; not even Dylan was able to make her feel that way, so it was important that she was able to find someone who could.

"So, what movie are we watching now?" Bucky questioned her.

"Transformers," she answered as she pulled the silver disc out of the case. "It's about these advanced alien robots from the planet Cybertron who come to save earth from being destroyed by the evil Decepticon leader Megatron."

"Wow," Bucky breathed. "What a very eloquent description."

Marlena chuckled at him. "You're gonna love it, I promise."

Marlena headed back over to sit down beside Bucky on the couch once she had put the DVD in the player. She wrapped herself in the blanket that was on the back of the couch and proceeded to pull her knees to her chest. Bucky watched with a smile as she struggled to get comfortable with the blanket, and he chuckled before scooping her up in his arms and pulling her onto his lap. She squealed in response to the abruptness of the action, causing him to laugh.

Bucky could never seem to help himself when it came to Marlena, and although most of the time he refrained from engaging in certain actions in order to prevent from frightening her or making her uncomfortable, now was definitely not one of those times. He saw his opportunity when he noticed the adorable pout on her face as she fiddled with the large blanket, and so he took it.

"You really are small, sweetheart," Bucky said to her as he shifted himself into a comfortable position on the couch.

Marlena smiled and pulled the blanket tighter around her, absentmindedly snuggling herself into his chest and smiling when she felt his arms wrap protectively around her. Bucky was warm, much warmer than her blanket was, and at the moment she couldn't bring herself to complain about the freezing cold temperature her mom loved to keep the house at. She was content being in his arms, and in that moment there was no place she'd rather be.

Recollection ★ Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now