This Kid's A Savage

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The past several days had been relatively busy for the residents of the Avengers Towers, including Marlena. Rather than working on preparing for the Halloween party as everyone else had been, she was busy with more evaluations, more tests, and more damage control as Tony still liked to put it.

During the week, Tony had come to discover several new aspects of her mental abilities beginning to emerge inside her.

It was discovered first that Marlena could create realistic telepathic illusions, meaning that she could make people see and feel whatever it was she wanted them to and experience it as if it were actually happening. This particular ability had originally been uncovered after Marlena had fallen asleep on the lab table during one of her evaluations. She had been dreaming, and Tony, who had been working on her at the time, found himself inside the dream, experiencing it just as she was but from his perspective. After freaking out and yelling repeatedly for Bruce to wake her up, it had stopped, and Tony wasted no time at all in assisting her with controlling it.

For the past few days, Marlena had been working on doing nothing but trying to contain it, as well as working with Tony on attempting to project it if need be. So far, she had successfully managed to strand him alone in the Sahara Desert; she had also managed to successfully give Clint the opportunity to visit the Bahamas, as he had always wanted to do. She refrained from altering anyone's emotions, though, as she believed that particular aspect of her ability was too much of a personal intrusion within the mind.

The second ability to appear was her ability to speak telepathically with those around her. This one was discovered after Tony had said something to annoy Marlena, and Marlena had responded mentally by calling him an asshole. She hadn't intended on him hearing it, as it had been said inside her mind, but unfortunately for her he had, and that led to even more tests and evaluations. She could control it better than she could control the illusions, but she was getting much better about both of them. She was also finally beginning to process just how quickly her mind worked, and that helped aid her in further learning how to control herself.

As most normal telepaths could, Marlena could also read minds. It was among the last (as of yet) of her abilities to be discovered during the past several days. She was not as fond of this particular ability as she was the others; she believed reading minds to be an invasion of privacy. She found herself working day and night trying to control it, which was a fairly exhausting endeavor for her. It seemed to be a lot more difficult to control something that seemed to be so natural within her. She just hated being inside others' heads without their permission, not to mention, she hated hearing an abundant amount of voices inside her head at once. It drove her absolutely crazy and gave her headaches, but after hours upon hours of working, she finally managed to find a way around them. Of course, she didn't have full control over it—it would be long before she would—but for now she was more than willing to accept what was already done.

Marlena had decided to take a break from all things that involved being stuck inside a laboratory for all hours of the day every day. Her mom and Greyson had arrived at the tower several hours ago, and after not seeing her mom—or Greyson—in several weeks, she decided she would spend her day with them until it was time for her to get ready for Tony's party, which was scheduled to begin in about two and a half hours. She still hadn't a clue as to what or who Tony was making her go as, but at the moment she was far too consumed in spending time with Greyson and her mom. She only wished that her brother could be present as well, but she didn't necessarily think this type of party was suitable for someone his age, and neither did her mother.

Recollection ★ Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now