There's A Situation

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Bucky eyed the small building curiously, wondering just where Steve had brought him. He figured Steve would have brought him to some sort of secret S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters so he could meet the ones who Steve believed could help them find Marlena, but that was far from where he had brought him, unless S.H.I.E.L.D. had went undercover as a suburban family. They were standing on the back porch of a house in a random Washington D.C. neighborhood waiting on whoever it was inside to answer the door. Bucky was unsure about the situation, but he knew he needed to trust Steve. It was the only way he would get Marlena back.

After several seconds of waiting and scanning the residential area for potential threats, the door slid open, catching Bucky's attention immediately.

In the doorway stood an average-sized man looking at Steve and Bucky with an incredulous expression his face. His skin was dark, his eyes were brown, his goatee was perfectly trimmed, and his head was shaved, only leaving only a thin layer of fuzz. Bucky recognized the man immediately, and it was then that the guilt began to flow into him. This was the man on the D.C. Parkway Bucky had tried to kill when he was sent to assassinate Steve and Natasha Romanoff; this was the man with the mechanical wings Bucky was sure he had killed when he'd thrown him off one of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s helicarriers.

Bucky couldn't help but feel relieved, though, as he looked at the man. He was alive and that made him feel much better about himself. It was good to know that one other person had managed to escape death at the hands of the Winter Soldier.

"Well, this is definitely an unexpected turn of events," the man breathed out, glancing back and forth between Bucky and Steve.

"I'm sorry about this, Sam, but I really need your help. . .again," Steve said to him.

Sam shook his head in amusement and stepped aside to let the two of them in. He was feeling a strong sensation of deja vu, only this time Steve had shown up at his door with Bucky rather than with Natasha. Either way, he wondered what the two could possibly need from him, especially Bucky. It was shocking to see him with Steve after the two of them spent almost two months without any leads on his whereabouts. He couldn't begin to understand how he had found the assassin, but he assumed he was in for quite a long story.

"He's not gonna try to kill me again, is he?" Sam questioned as he removed a carton of apple juice from the fridge. He had just returned from his daily run when the two of them came knocking on his door, and he was currently dying of thirst.

Bucky frowned at his words and sat down with Steve at the dining room table. "I'm really sorry about that," Bucky apologized as he began to nervously play with his hands. Steve noticed his change in demeanor and spoke up, relieving Bucky slightly.

"Look, there's a situation," Steve said to Sam, his tone nothing but serious.

Sam took a sip of his apple juice and crossed his arms over his chest. "Does that situation have anything to do with how you managed to find him? Because I would really love to know how you managed that."

Steve glanced at Bucky, and Bucky shrugged before sitting back in his seat. Even Bucky wasn't sure how Steve found him, but he was sure it had something to do with Marlena. She was one of the sneakiest people he had ever met, and he was a trained assassin—he was one of the sneakiest people in the world, so he wasn't exactly sure how Marlena managed to get passed him so easily.

"Okay, well when I got back to my apartment about two days ago, Sharon came over and told me about this girl that needed to talk to me about something really important," Steve started, locking the attention of both men.

Recollection ★ Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now