You're A Strong One

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The quinjet was quiet for the most part. The only sounds to be heard came from the hum of the jet engine, as well as the sound of everyone's hushed breathing and Natasha and Steve's occasional whispered conversations. To say that everyone was exhausted from the day's events was an understatement, especially to Marlena. She had spent an additional twelve hours training beforehand, which was exhausting on its own, no matter how used to the exercise her body was. Then she was forced into a skills assessment before actually being sent into what she felt was a real life battle. Her adrenaline had finally settled, and she was more than ready to fall asleep for the next three months, but she doubted she would be able to get to that point.

She sat beside Bucky, her legs wrapped around his waist and her arms holding his metal one so tightly as if she were afraid he would disappear. Sam sat in a seat across from them, while Steve and Natasha sat in the corner of the quinjet (which was on autopilot) closest to the cockpit, each of them engaged in conversation with one another.

Marlena dozed off, just as she had been doing throughout the hour since they'd left the facility. Her head rested against the wall, but as her body relaxed in an attempt to finally succumb to the sleep she so desperately needed, her head fell onto Bucky's (metal) shoulder, inflicting a sharp pain in her temple, a pain that disappeared mere seconds later, leaving only a dull ache behind.

"Ow." Marlena frowned as she rubbed the side of her head and sat back up, now fully awake.

Sam laughed at her small misfortune, while Bucky merely raised a brow at the small girl. He found it rather peculiar that only an hour ago she was taking out Hydra agents left and right with no problem whatsoever, yet here she was claiming defeat by a small hit to the head. To him, it was cute and amusing at the same time.

"Are you tired?" Sam asked her.

She sighed and removed her legs from around Bucky's waist before pulling her knees to her chest. "Well, I spent twelve hours training today, and then I had this stupid skills assessment to do for Rumlow, and then you guys showed up, so no, I'm not tired—I'm utterly exhausted."

The sound of Rumlow's name sent a wave of anger into Bucky's body, but he rid himself of it by focusing his attention on Marlena. She was with him, and that was all that mattered to him.

"Oh yeah," Steve spoke as he got up from his seat and walked over, Natasha trailing closely behind him. "Do you think now is a good time to begin story telling?"

Marlena shrugged and hugged her knees tighter to her chest. "What story would you like me to tell?"

"How about telling us why you look like the female version of the Winter Soldier," Sam chuckled.

Marlena took a deep breath and glanced at Bucky before looking back at Sam. "Prodigy and the Winter Soldier—they were meant to be partners, and what kind of partners don't have matching suits?"

Recollection ★ Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now