I Love You

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★ ★ ★

To say Marlena missed training everyday was an absolute understatement, so she was now more than thrilled that she was finally cleared to. It was December 2nd now and originally, according to Bruce and Tony, she wasn't supposed to have been cleared until early February, but Marlena had healed much faster than the two anticipated. After performing several tests, Bruce and Tony discovered that her abilities also provided her with a very intricately profound healing factor—it corresponded to the acceleration in which her brain ran, thus healing her at a pace far much quicker than the average human being. It worked nowhere near as quick in comparison to Bucky's and Steve's, but it worked, nonetheless, and Marlena was more than happy because of it.

Marlena stood in the tower's enormous training center with Natasha and Clint. The two had offered to train with her for a few hours after being told that she had been cleared to begin physical activity.

Training had been a rough few hours between the three of them, though. Marlena was only slightly rusty after being away from combat for a month, and Natasha was doing whatever it took to get her back on the ropes, even if it meant laying a few hard kicks and punches to get her a bit wound up. It didn't take very long for Marlena to get back on her a-game after beginning her session with Natasha and Clint (they didn't call her Prodigy for nothing). Natasha was ecstatic about it, while Clint had been a bit frightened because of it. Clint had exceptionally fantastic combatant abilities, but in his opinion Marlena's abilities were just a bit better, though it was only because Marlena spent most of her time training with Natasha, who was the highest ranked assassin on the planet.

"Sloppy," Natasha scolded Marlena. "You can do better than that, Mar. Just focus."

Marlena took a deep breath and pushed herself up off of the floor. She looked at Clint, who stood several feet in front of her with a rather smug expression on his face. It annoyed Marlena slightly, and before she knew it she was running at him. He threw a punch at her and she ducked, quickly reaching up to grab his extended arm. She twisted it up in the air, eliciting a string of curse words to fall from the archer's mouth. He responded immediately and maneuvered his arm so it was now linked with her own. He used his strength to pull her close to him, despite the pain in his arm. Marlena let out a grunt and raised her other hand to grab his arm, and, as she pulled, Clint grabbed her by the hair.

"What the hell, Clint?" Marlena breathed, causing Clint to laugh.

"It's okay to use your teeth, Mar," Natasha said from the corner.

Before Clint could even think, Marlena bit down on his forearm. Clint cried out in pain and released her immediately but had yet to quit the fight. He swung his fist at her, which she blocked with her wrists. She grabbed his arm in a flash and spun, connecting her elbow with his stomach. He doubled over in pain, and Marlena didn't hesitate before using her upper body strength to flip him over her shoulder and onto the mat below. She stood back up, her fists bared in front of her as she looked at the downed man.

Recollection ★ Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now