Chapter 1 - I won't let you fall

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Valentine's POV

"This is the last box, Miss Wood," Richard informed and went inside the house. Today, My family and I moved to Seattle from San Francisco. Richard was just a worker and was helping us moving in our luggage, furniture and etcetera into the house.

I looked over at the beautiful huge house where my family and I are supposed to live. For three people, this house was enormously big. The house was off white in colour and it had a European vibe to it, I also noticed that the windows had blue colour designs and carvings engraved. It looked gorgeous. The designs were all floral.

My family was quite rich. My mother, Kate Rose Wood, was a doctor and my father, Robin Stone Wood, was a businessman. I didn't know what kind of business he was into, but I remember that once I asked him about it, he said that he was into leather. Then there was me, Valentine Lea Wood. Yes, my name was kept after the day of love, don't judge or laugh!

"Val, come on get inside! It's too sunny outside, you can get a rash or worse, a heat stroke!" my mom's voice brought me back to reality and I quickly gave her a nod and walked inside. My mother was a worrywart if you haven't already noticed. It wasn't too hot that I might get a heat stroke. She could sometimes get on my nerves but I loved her dearly.

The house was huge. My father gave us a tour, I was pretty impressed. The house was beautiful inside out. There were Jacuzzis in every bathroom, every room had an open balcony, there was a home theater, a library, a playroom (hey, you 50 Shades Of Grey lovers, we ain't talking about THAT playroom) and basically every luxury I could think of.

Right now, I was in my room, laying on my bed. My room is huge. It had a walk-in closet, study area, but I don't think that I needed all of these luxuries. I mean, I was an only child. I don't have anyone to share all of this. My parents are rarely home and even if they came home, they came really late, around midnight. At that time, I was already asleep. I felt so lonely and just sad but now I've gotten used to them not being around. We weren't always like this, you know.

We used to be a perfect family. But then again a family cannot be perfect but it was, in my eyes. Everything changed after that
happened. I quickly shook that memory off and I could already feel the tears resurfacing. I heard a knock on my door so I got up to open it. It was my mother, this is new. I quickly composed myself and said "What did you need mother?" She sighed and walked into my room. I followed her and sat beside her on the bed.

"Val, I know you're upset with me and your father. We're sorry but we work hard for you. We work to keep you happy and safe. We're sorry, we really are. We made you leave your best friends to come here. There was no other choice. Your father is expanding his business, while I got a very good offer in one of the best hospitals of America in Seattle!"

I knew she was sorry, I could see it in her eyes. But she should understand that I needed her. Even though I was a seventeen-year-old girl, I needed her. I'd always need her.

I gave her a small weak smile, "Mom, I know you're sorry and I'm sorry if I ever made you feel like I'm not happy or grateful. 'Cause I am. I know you and dad work very hard for me and I appreciate it but sometimes I need you both here, you know? I am sick of being alone and sad all the time." She nods in understanding and hugs me.

"I love you, Valentine." She mummers and I smile lightly.

"I love you too, Mom."

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