Chapter 2 : He's Nothing But Trouble

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I stared at the huge building, it was dull and the school was much bigger than my previous one. I walked inside the massive double doors of the school entrance and everyone's heads turned towards my way, it was humiliating. The students immediately started whispering to each other, staring me from head to toe, it was obvious they were gossiping about me, the new girl.

After passing multiple groups of students and in search for the school office, which was nowhere to be found.

"Lost?" I heard a familiar voice say from behind me. I turned around and saw Connor, leaning on one of the lockers with a smirk on his face.

I returned a smile and said, "Yup, I can't find the school's office. Mind helping me?" He nodded and said, "Follow me."

He stopped in front of the office and gestured an exhausted looking door, I thanked him and walked inside the office. The office was quite peculiar - where was greeted by an old lady who looked like she was in her 60s.

I gave her a small smile and said "good morning. I am new here and I just wanted my schedule and my locker combination."  She nodded and said "Morning. You must be Valentine Lea Wood. Here's your schedule and the locker number. I hope you enjoy your time here. Take this; it's a late slip. Just give this to the teacher so you won't get in trouble but don't expect me to grant you these slips every day. It's just for today." I gave her a nod and thanked her.

I walked out of the door and found Connor waiting for me.

"You didn't have to wait for me, you know?"

"I know," he said with a shrug. I just shook my head and asked him "What do you have in first period?" He looked at me and said "Maths, You?" I nodded and looked down at my schedule. I was so busy in reading my schedule that I bumped into someone hard. I was about to fall but I felt hands wrapped around my waist. I opened my eyes and met with ocean blue eyes and a well-sculpted face. He was the most handsome man I've ever seen. I blushed so much I could feel the blood in my face, oh lord, I hope I wasn't drooling.

He loosened his grip and I stood up properly and said, "I am sorry. I didn't see where I was going."

"Next time, watch where you're going nerd" standing in shock, I gasped and glared at him harshly, but he walked away.

He sure had good looks but he lacked good manners. He's an asshole. You know what they say, the most beautiful people are the most dangerous and rude.

"That was Zander Black. A bad boy, player and maybe even a criminal, who knows? I hate him. Val, stay away from him. Trust me, he's nothing but trouble." Connor warned. I knew there was a story behind him hating Zander and I wanted to ask about it but I didn't push it because I knew he didn't wanted to talk about it.  The school bell rang.

I just gave Connor a nod and we started walking to our classes.

"And Connor, I have English right now." I said with a smile. After that, we parted our ways.

− − − − −

The cafeteria food in school was horrible, it was like hospital food. But I didn't have anything else to eat so I guess it'll do. Since it's my first day in school, the only person I could sit with was Connor and his friends - on my left, there is Connor and on my right, a girl named Amanda Smith. She is very chirpy and gossiping machine. Amanda and I immediately got along. She was a very nice girl once you got to know her - just like Connor, she hated Zander.

What's with people hating on Zander? The curiosity was killing me!

"I'm still hungry." Connor groaned loudly and stole my last portion of french-fries.

Nobody steals my food and gets away with it. Nobody.

"Connor Bradley, did you just eat my food?!" I said with a menacing glare. I saw him gulp hesitantly and said "Val... I uh I was very uh hungry and umm Amanda had finished uh her food so I thought that you had one French fry left so I ate it  uh I am so so so so sorry Val and-" Connor was cut off by the school bell. In a flash, Connor ran outside the cafeteria and Amanda and I laughed loudly. I shook my head and grabbed my bag.

"So, what do you have right now?" I asked Amanda as we walked out of the cafeteria.

"Physics, you?" "So do I!" I told her

We both walked to our class and as soon as we walked in I noticed that I shared this class with Zander. He was sitting at the backbench, how typical. 

Amanda and I sat on the first row and waited for the teacher to come.

"Amanda, why do you and Connor hate Zander?" I finally asked her the question I was dying to ask! I saw her visibly tense but she quickly composed herself and said "Umm.. Can we talk about this at your house?" I nodded and said, " Of course." By the time we finished talking, the teacher entered the class and started talking about energy.


It was the end of the day, Amanda and I headed back to mine and began talking about Zander.

"It's a long story. But I am not going to tell you about Connor though. Its Con's story, not mine." Amanda said nervously. "I completely understand Amanda. Take your time and I'll just ask Connor about his side of story."

"Okay... So, in the beginning, I was a very open person. I didn't hide anything from anyone. I was practically an open book. But everything changed. One day, Connor invited me to his friend's party. I didn't like parties before but somehow Con convinced me to come. The party was wild and filled with teenagers; drunk and high. I didn't drink and smoke so I was just sitting a bar stool, I was  bored out of my mind. But then Zander came. That was the first time I saw him. I found him incredibly handsome and sexy. I mean, come on! Have you seen his face and body?! Anyways, Zander and I talked a lot and he even got me a drink. But after that everything was a blur. I remember that we kissed and made out but then I was so drunk, I didn't know what I was doing. The drink that Zander bought me was drugged. I remember he said that it'd help me loosen up or something. But next day, I found myself naked in one of the bedrooms and there was a note on the side table. It said, "I am so sorry for this. It was a mistake. I was so drunk and didn't know what I was doing. I hope you forgive me – Zander." I cried the whole day. I mean I lost my virginity to a guy who said that this was a mistake. I fell into depression and I took therapy sessions. After a month, I got better. Con was feeling guilty and he took care of me. He thought it was entirely his fault. He even fought with Zander for me." By the end, Amanda was in tears so I did the best I could. I hugged her tightly and tried comforting her.

How can Zander do this? How can he just use a girl like that? Play with her feelings and throwing her away like waste?

Zander Black, tomorrow, you and I are going to have a long talk.

Amanda pulled away and wiped her eyes. She checked the time on her watch and said "It's late. I got to go. Bye Val." I nodded and said bye to her.

I lay back on my bed and thought about what Zander did. And I don't know why but it disappointed me and hurt me.

Yep, I'm going crazy.


Hey guys! I hope you all enjoyed the second chapter!  Zander is an asshole isn't he?

Anyway, tell me your thoughts on Zander, Connor, Amanda and Val in the comment section! What do you think why Connor hates Zander? 

See you later! Please please vote ∞

Much love xo

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