Chapter 4: Dream About Me

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it had been over a week and Zander hasn't told me what he planned for me. I haven't told Amanda about the deal, because I don't want her to feel guilty. Also, we have gotten really close. Her parents were rarely at home, so she mostly stayed at my house.

I had been thinking about the deal for the past week and I've come across two possibilities:

One, Zander was going to make me do something really very stupid or embarrassing.

Second, he was going to make me do something that will get me in trouble.

And both were extremely bad.

"Earth to Val," Connor's voice broke my train of thoughts. I gave him an apologetic smile and said, "Sorry."

He shook his head. "What's on your mind? You haven't been acting like yourself for the past days."

Connor was at my house and we were working on a history project together. We were half way through it. Once again, I zoned out on him for the third time. Damn you, bad boy.

I tensed and I really hope it was not that obvious.

If I told Connor about the deal, he'd get angry, very angry and it's better if I just make up an excuse and drop this topic.

"It's nothing, Connor. I'm just not getting enough sleep." I lied through my teeth.

He looked worriedly at me but nodded reluctantly. I gave him a small smile and asked him, "Anyway, what were you saying?"

"I was thinking that we should take a break, since we've been working on this for two hours." I nodded in agreement and said, "Come on, let's go and eat something. I know how to cook."

He had a surprise look on his face. "You cook?" I chuckled lightly and nodded while replying, "Yes, when your parents aren't around that much, you make yourself useful." He smiled sadly and nodded. I went to the kitchen with him following me.

"Let's bake a cake." I said. Connor laughed loudly and said, "Me? Bake? Doesn't sound like a good combination. In fact, I have a better idea." He exaggerated. I raised my eyebrow and motioned him to go on.

"How about you do the cooking or baking while I do the main part: eating!" I gave him are-you-kidding-me-look and said, "Shut up, baking is easy. I'll teach you!" I heard him groan but I ignored him. I grabbed two aprons from the kitchen drawer for the both of us. Then, gave him one while I wore the other one.

"How do I look?" I turned around and immediately burst out laughing at him. The apron was pink in color and it had yellow patterns on it. And a girl was in a bikini but she was only printed till her neck.

He playfully glared at me and asked, "Are you done?" I laughed a little more, when I was finally finished laughing, I answered, "Okay, enough of playing around. Lets bake!"

He let out an exaggerated sigh and I playfully punch him and said, "Cheer up, it isn't that bad!"

He gave me a nod and I started giving him instructions. I told him to stir the batter while I decided how to make the icing.

I was busy stirring the cream and suddenly flour was thrown on my by Connor.

I shrieked and said, "Connor Bradley, why would you do this?! You are SO down!"

And that is how ladies and gentlemen, a food fight started.

*After fifteen minutes*

Connor and I had a food fight so we made a big mess. We cleaned up the mess we made, then our baking failed miserably, because we got distracted so we settle with ordering a pepperoni pizza.

"I have to go now. It's getting late." Connor told me. I looked at the clock and it was eight o' clock. I gave Connor a nod and he grabbed all of his stuff from my room. Then, walked him out.

"So, I had fun."

"Same here" I agreed.

Connor and I stared into each other's eyes for the first time, I noticed he didn't have dark brown eyes, he had hazel eyes and they were gorgeous.

Connor's eyes slowly went to my lips and then back to my eyes. I didn't say anything. My expression was blank. But I did wanted to kiss him.

As if reading my thoughts, Connor started to lean in. My eyes never left his. We were centimeters apart, but I closed the gap and kissed him. Connor was shocked, because he didn't kiss back for a second and then he did.

I pulled away a little and he rested his forehead against mine. I gave him a small, shy smile that caused him to grin.

I knew I was red. Thank god, it was dark.

"I think you should better get going. It's getting dark." He nodded and stepped away.

"Goodnight Val, dream about me," He said with a wink. I scoffed but a smile played on my lips. "Night Con."

I walked back inside my house and went up to my room. Once I entered the room, I immediately called Amanda. I told her everything that has happened. When I was finished, she screamed a good five minutes and said, "MY SHIP IS FINALLY SAILING! YASS BITCHES!" After finishing talking to her, I lie down on my bed and fell asleep with a smile on my face.


Hey guys! Connor and Valentine, huh? Do you ship them? Or do you ship Zander and Valentine? What do you think Zander has planned for Val? Let me know in comment section!


Thank you.

Much love xo

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