Chapter 23: I Promise You

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Valentine's POV

My week spent with Zander was absolutely amazing. I had the best time of my life and I didn't think about a single problem. We had arrived back home today.

I let out a sigh as I curled up on the bed and pulled the blanked tightly around me. Zander had gone to his place and told me that he'd spend the nights over there. I, of course, had no problem with that and just gave him a nod in response.

A loud knock was heard on my window and I hurriedly walked toward it. With a raised eyebrow, I peeked out of it and found a paper wrapped around a small stone. With a sigh I grabbed it and grabbed the paper. I unfolded it and hesitantly read it.

Date. 8:00. Wear something nice. - Z.

A small smile glossed my lips as I read the note over and over again. I held back a squeal as I quickly went over to my phone and called Amanda. After a ring or two, she picked it up and I told her to come over so that she could help me dress up since I had an hour to get ready.

I put my phone down and walked over to my closet before pulling out the best dresses I owned. I was so busy shuffling around my closet that I didn't even notice Amanda entering.

"Hey girl!" She said as she gave me a tight hug. I returned it back before pulling away and holding up two of the dresses. "Which one?" She pointed to one of them and I nodded.

In about fifty minutes, we were finally done. I looked at myself in the mirror and held back a gasp. Amanda never failed to amaze me with her makeup skills. "Thank you so much, Am." She just waved me off and grabbed her purse. "Well, I gotta go. Tell me everything about the date when you're back." And with that, she was out before I could even say anything.

I let out a sigh and I looked at myself once more in the mirror. What was Zander up to this time? I thought to myself amusedly before shaking my head. My thoughts were broken by the ringing of the house bell. After grabbing my purse and phone, I headed downstairs and went over to open the door since no one was home.

"Hey." I said after I opened the door. Zander's eyes shamelessly checked me out and then he said,"You're so beautiful." Before pulling me into his arms and smashing his lips onto mine. My hands instantly found their way to his hair and I gently tugged at them. Zander let out a low groan before he pulled away with a slight dazed look on his face. "Let's go before I lose my self control." I let out a loud laugh and shook my head. Zander's hands engulfed my hand and he pulled me to his car.

He helped me in and he quickly went over to the driver seat and sat in. "So, where are we doing?" A smirk immediately played on Zander's lips before he said,"Patience babe, patience." I huffed and looked out the window. But a small smile played on my lips when I heard Zander's low chuckle.


Zander came to an abrupt stop on the side of the road. I looked at him with a questioning gaze. "We aren't lost, Val. Have some faith in me." Zander said before he got out of the car and went over to my side and opened the door like a gentlemen. I held back a laugh and gave him my hand as he helped me out.

We both started headed into the woods on the other side of the road. I completely trusted Zander so I knew he had something in his mind and I couldn't wait for it. I noticed that Zander was getting a little fidgety and nervous. I gave his hand a reassuring squeeze and instead of saying anything, he held my hand tighter.

We both continued walking for a little while more before he stopped and turned towards me. "Close your eyes or else I'll just have to blind-fold you." I rolled my eyes before closing my eyes and waiting for him to say something. "Come on." I heard him mutter as I felt his hands slip behind my knees and he hoisted me up in bridal-style.

I bit my lip and looped my arms around his neck and tightened my hold. "I won't let you fall." Zander said with a laugh and I huffed. I felt a slight sense of deja vú when he said that. Connor had said the same thing to me when we met. I quickly shook my head. I couldn't be thinking about him. I let out a sigh and rested my head against Zander's shoulder.

"Here we are. But don't open your eyes yet." Zander said as he lowered me down and let me go when I was on my feet. I nodded my head and bit my lip in anticipation. I felt Zander hold my hand and he gently started leading me forward.

After a few moments we came to a stop and he let my hand go. "You can open your eyes after I remove the blindfold." I nodded once again as I waited for him to untie my blindfold. After a few minutes, I felt the blindfold flip off of my face but a hand had replaced it. "Really Zander?" I asked irritatedly. "Really." He responded. I bit back a retort and waited for him to removed his hand from my eyes.

Suddenly I heard shuffling of feet and after a few moments, I heard Zander say,"Done. Now you can open your eyes." He removed his hand and I slowly opened my eyes, taking a moment to adjust to the light. When my vision cleared, a gasp left my mouth as I looked around. Zander had set up a table and two chairs right in the centre of the woods and there were candles all over the place. "This is beautiful." I whispered. I felt Zander's fingers clasping mine and I tightened my hold. "I'm glad you like it." He told me. I shook my head, still fascinated by his gesture.

"Thank you so much." I told him before tip-toeing and planting a kiss on his lips. I heard him let out a sigh into the kiss and he pulled me flush against him. I let out a quiet moan as I held his hands tugging down on my hair. I looped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer, if it was even possible.

After few moments, we both pulled away and he led me toward the chair. He pulled out one of them and helped me in before going and sitting on the opposite side.

"So, what's the occasion?" I asked him with a raised eyebrow before taking a sip from my glass of wine. "Why, can't I ask my girlfriend out on a date?" I rolled my eyes at his fake hurt expression and shook my head amusedly. We confined to talk about everything and after a good one hour we had finished our meals.

"C'mon, I need to show you something." Zander told me as he intertwined his fingers through mine and pulled me along with him. I looked at him with question but he didn't answer me.

Soon, we were standing in a clearing and suddenly loud crackling of fireworks was heard. My eyes snapped upward and I gasped at the beautiful colours filling the sky. "Oh my god. This is beautiful." I whispered. Zander hummed in agreement and he turned me to face him. I had a small smile on my face as I looked at him. "I want to promise you something. I love you so much Valentine Wood and I know I can be a huge asshole and I'm sorry but I will always be there for you. I would never leave you." Zander told me, each word held sincerity. I gasped when he pulled out a ring and slipped it onto my finger. "This is a promise ring. I promise you that I'll always come back to you. I'll always be yours." Tears welled up in my eyes and I threw my arms around his neck and pulled him into a tight hug.

"Thank you for the being the best boy friend ever." I told him. Zander let's out a low chuckle and tightened his hold on me.

We continued to stay in each other's arms and I closed my eyes as if I was trying to capture the sound of his heartbeat.


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Much love xo.

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