Chapter 6: Wow

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Chapter – 6: Wow

Zander's POV

I messed up big time. I was just so pissed off that I snapped at her, I didn't mean to hurt her. I needed to fix this mess.

Why do you NEED to fix this stupid mess? You said you don't like her then why bother? My stupid conscious said.

But somehow my inner-self made more sense. Why does the thought of Valentine upset make me so restless and guilty?

I never once thought about the girls I threw away like trash but somehow I can't see Valentine upset. Oh my god, this is messed up.

What is this girl doing to me?

But whatever it is I need to figure out before it's too late. Right now, I need to solve this misunderstanding between Valentine and I.

Valentine's POV

I looked at the clock and waited impatiently for History to finish. History was torture.

I hadn't seen Zander since the morning and I'm glad but a part of me was disappointed. I don't know why but I thought he'd make an effort. What was I even thinking? Zander? Make an effort for a girl? Yeah right.

The bell rang and I quickly got out of the class. I went to my locker and dumped all my books in it. As soon as I turned around, I came face-to-face Connor. And I immediately grinned at him.

"Hey Con"

We both started walking to the cafeteria and I noticed Connor was little nervous and silent than usual. What was up with him?

"Hey, you okay?" I asked him.
He nodded. But he didn't look okay at all. I grabbed his hand and made him face me.

"Look Connor, I know we've only just met, but you can talk to me about anything. I won't judge and you know that. So tell me, what's wrong?"

He looked at me and contemplated whether to tell me or not.

He let out a sigh and said "I uh um I thought well uh I mean I was thinking that um maybe you uh would like uh to come with me for dinner uh tonight?"

"Are you asking me out on a date?" I teased him.
He playfully glared at me and said, "Yes I am." But he still looked nervous.
"It's okay if you don't want to come. I mean it's completely understandable. And-" I cut him off by saying "Where and when?"
He looked shocked but quickly regained his composure and said "Today at eight – I'm not telling you where, it's a surprise, but wear something comfortable." He told me and I nodded with a smile.

And the whole day, I had a smile on my face and not once thought about Zander.

Later that day, Amanda once again helped me to pick out my outfit for the date. But I still hadn't changed into them because there was still time.

My parents wanted to meet Connor but I don't know if right now is the right time, I mean we haven't even established what we were yet. We've shared a kiss and I didn't know if he wanted to meet my parents. So I told them that I'd ask Connor.

"So what's going on with you and Zander?" Amanda asked me as she rested against the headrest. I raised my eyebrow and said, "What do you mean? There's absolutely nothing going on! Don't think too much Am." She gave me an I-Don't-Believe-You-Look and said, "Alright but just be careful. Connor is an amazing guy - just don't lead him on, okay?" I nodded at her.

"Come on, its already six. Lets get you ready!" Amanda chirped.

After one and a half hour of torture, I was ready. My eyes widened as I looked in the mirror. I couldn't recognize myself once again, Amanda outdone herself! I turned towards her and hugged her tightly.
"Can't...Breathe" Amanda chocked out. I pulled away and smiled sheepishly at her.

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