Part 1

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First part First time writing a story hope u guys enjoy this part and the story really excited for this journey yayyy lets get started!!!! If their is a spelling mistake or grammatical error please forgive me.

A girl covered with a duvet on her milky white body was standing at the terrace enjoying the fresh morning air. Suddenly a guy from her back and and hugged her tightly putting his chin on her shoulder giving her a kiss on it and the girl shivered and blushed.

Guy: Why did you wake up so early baby?
Girl: Jaan I wanted to just take some fresh morning air so came here why u are awake so early Manik.
Manik: Baby u were not on the bed Na I was finding u u were not their and u know Na I can't sleep without you when u are not beside me and he a make a baby face.
The girl turned and went aww on looking at his baby face and she could not herself from kissing him on his cheeks.(U all know who is the girl right don't you and yes it's Nandini)
Nandini: Jaan u look so cute when u make this baby face I just want to gobble you up.
Manik: oh really he said huskily and he started tracing his hand on her silky arms making her shiver.
Nandini: yes she said breathing heavily.
Manik: So let me show you my cuteness my love.
And Manik start getting closer to her and she closes her eyes because of the proximity he puts his cold lips on her and starts kissing her soft lips madly and she also getting lost in the passion starts kissing him madly. They both were kissing madly forgetting about everything but suddenly something strikes In Nandini mind that they are getting late for collage so she pushes him.
Manik:(irritated) Baby what happen?
Nandini: Jaan go Na and freshen up we are getting late for collage.
But Manik was in no mood to leave her.
Manik: Baby no Na let's not go to collage and (naughtily) lets just spend this whole day together in this locked room. Nandini blushes knowing his intentions.
Nandini: ( Hitting him) Jaan no Na lets go please.
Manik: unwillingly he agrees and says okay my baby wish is my command and smiles and further says I love you meri Jaan a lot.
Nandini: I love you too Manik a lot. Jaan now hurry up we are getting late.
Manik: (nods) okay okay baby lets go. Nandini tells him to go and get ready till then she will clean the bedroom,he was going toward the bathroom but something strikes in his mind and he naughtily smiles and says
Manik: Jaan u just said Na we are getting late lets bath together it will save us lot of time and we can reach early and Nandini blushes Hard and Manik goes near her and pulls her from her waist and says common lets go Na.
Nandini: (blushingly) Manik go na I am not coming.
Manik: what go Na Come Na Jaan it will save us lot of time and Nandini agrees and they bath together and leave for collage space Where u will see this beautiful couple amazing journey, more hot romance their fun with friends, where they will have some bad times but also a lot of good times.

So this was the first part Of my story hope you guys like it fingercrossed. I know it will not be that good but I will improve by time. Guys please do comment it will support me to write more and will encourage me.Plz Plz Plz do comment and like. And I will only update on Sunday and if I have time on other days I will update on that days too.

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