Part 54

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Morning: 10am
Manik woke up from his deep slumber he moved his hands around the bed to bring Nandini closer to him but he found no one of the bed and woke up with jerk. He remembered everything that happened Veebha and her threaten to kill Nandini. He started panicking.

Manik: Nandini, Jaan where are u baby?? Jaan kaha ho please Mera samna a jayo Yaar please?? Jaan........ (He said running here and there around the mansion but he didn't find Nandini he was sweating with fear) Jaan Nandini kaha ho baby please don't do this with your mani where are u?? (He said checking every room of the mansion tears were already making there way out of his eyes that suddenly he remembered "Garden" she can be in garden he ran there to see his love safe watering the plants)

 (He said running here and there around the mansion but he didn't find Nandini he was sweating with fear) Jaan Nandini kaha ho baby please don't do this with your mani where are u?? (He said checking every room of the mansion tears were already ma...

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(Nandini her in a ponytail)

                       (Hairstyle) Manik ran towards her and hugged her from back tightly hiding his face in her neck from back making his grip so tight  on her that nobody could take her away from him

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Manik ran towards her and hugged her from back tightly hiding his face in her neck from back making his grip so tight on her that nobody could take her away from him. Nandini smiled at Manik gesture she Ruffled his hair and continued watering plants smiling but that smile vanished in a second and her expression changed into worry when she felt something wet on her neck which were Manik tears.

Nandini: Baby Kaya hua why are u crying?? (She try to turn but could not as his hold was to tight for her to even move, Manik started nuzzling his face more in her neck) Baby don't cry Na Jaan let me turn Na I am getting worried mani. Let me clam u down baby. (Manik loosened his grip a little so she could turn towards him, she turned while Manik hid his face in her bosom, Nandini started ruffling his hair) Mani Mera baby ko Kaya why u crying Jaan look at me.

Manik: U will never leave me Na? U will always be with me Na Jaan? Don't leave me for a second i will stop breathing once u go away from me? Stay close to me please. (He said sobbing Nandini knew it's also because of that stupid Veebha threaten that her Mani is so scared to loose her she knew how much Manik loves her like crazy that he can't even think of her going away from him in his dreams)

Nandini: Baby look at me!! (She makes Him look at her she sucks all his tears from his face and kisses his eyes) Jaan I am never going away from you baby your Nandu is always there with you.

Manik: No promise me you will not leave me for a min!!!! (He said it was not him it was his fear)

Nandini: Jaan i will not leave you for a min not a Nono second okay now smile you don't look like my handsome mani when you cry!! (She said taking him in a hug while Manik wipes his tears and hugs her back making his grip super tight on her once more)

After 5 min, They were still hugging when Nandini phone buzzed she took it out of her pocket without breaking the hug. Manik eyes were closed he was hiding her face in her hairs inhaling her sweet smell. She opened the text to get a shock it was a message from "Unknown no"

Message: U will face your death soon Nandini Murty. Ready ho jao Marna ka liya. Tumha maar karkar main tumhara sab Kuch apna bana lu gi Or Tumhara pyara Manik ko bhi. Aaj tumhara last day hai Iss duniya main. Spend the time with your love once Nandini tum yeh Kal sa Nahi kar payo gi. Good bye your enemy!! (She knew it was from Veebha she can be the only one, She was scared not because she is getting threaten to be killed but she doesn't want To live Manik, he will be shattered, broken if something happened she promised herself that she will not that Veebha harm her. She has to live for her love, her mani she can't live Him alone)

Manik: Baby kiska message hai???? (He said breaking the hug but not completely)

Nandini: Ahh kisi ka Nahi mani it's just a random company message!! (She said covering up with a smile on her face which made Manik convinced and he nodded. Nandini did not tell Manik because she don't want him to get more tensed and worried) Mani okay common lets go inside its too hot!!! (She said while Manik nods in no she knew he what's something) Kaya chahiya baby Ko??

Manik: Kiss!! (He pouts his lips Nandini giggles and places her lips on him and starts kissing him madly while Manik made the kiss more wild)

They both broke the kiss after 10 being breathless. They smile looking at each other.

Manik: U taste so yummy Jaan!!! (He said placing wet kisses on her neck)

Nandini: Mani baby romance later common lets go inside go freshen up.

Manik: Okay fine Chalo!! (He picks her up in his arms moves inside the mansion)

Manan room:
Manik enters with Nandini in his protective arms who was resting her head on his chest while he was pecking on her lips time to time.

Nandini: Mani get me down baby let me take out your clothes. (Manik nods in a no like a baby sitting with Nandini on the sofa while his face hid in her breast. Today mature Manik was in baby mood she knows once he gets into is his baby mood she have to pamper him the baby Manik a lot like his mom whole day)

Manik lies down in her lap hides his face in her Stomach while Nandini Ruffles his hairs softly.

Nandini: Mera baby ko freshen up Nahi hona aaj??

Manik: No I wanna be like this!! (He said like a kid nuzzling his face more into his stomach)

Nandini: Acha Chalo aaj I will make my baby brush and I will wash your face come!!! (She said to him like a brother while he looks at her grinning)

Manik: Really?? (He said grinning while she pecks on his lips and nods in yes)

Nandini takes Manik to the washroom she makes him brush and properly washes his face. She cleans his face with the towel while Manik head was resting on her chest)

Nandini: See Dekho ho Gaya!! (She said cupping his face while he nods his head on her chest while Nandini smiles)

She brings him out of the bathroom like that his head resting on her chest snuggling into her more while his hands around her waist with super hard grip around her.

I end this chapter here I am really sorry if it was boring will try to make the next chapter better. Hope you guys like Nandini pampering Manik I find it really cute when a girl pampers his guy. Ignore grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. Do comment and vote will be waiting for an amazing response next chapter only if I get a good response. Love you all!❤️

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