Part 23

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Nandini and Manik were walking hand in hand to the dining table which was especially booked for them and the gang. They reache their and from little bit far they sees the girls sitting with angry faces as they were dying to eat but they were waiting for Manik and Nandini so that they can together.
Nandini: (little scared) Manik Dekho they are looking so angry.
Manik: Phir Kya hua darta hu Insa lets go.

He drags her with him to the table carefree.
Manik: Hey guys what's up? (All the girls give me deadly glare but he didn't give a damn and sat)
Nandini: (cutely pouting) Sorry guys I know we are late but us ka liya really sorry. (She said taking her seat beside Manik)
Mukti: (Glaring at Manik) Pata hai huma tu kiski vaja sa late hoyi hai.
Alya: Dil toh Kar raha iss Manik ko maar Dalu. Kab sa wait Kar raha hai Tum Dona ka per Tum Ana ka naam hi Nahi lata.
Nandini: (Hugging Manik tightly) Alya don't even say that u are going to kill him. I can't live without him. (Manik smiles and kisses on Nandini forehead)
Manik: (lovingly) I can't also live without u Jaan.
Navya: Awww Tum Dono kitna cute ho. Hamara Sara gussa ek minute Mai gayab ho Gaya Tum Dono ko esa dekh kar.
Cabir: (teasingly) Abh kana Asa hi chipak ka kahana hai Kya Nandini.
Nandini blushes and breaks the hug to which Manik gives Cabir a angry glare for breaking their moment. Aryamaan who was sitting with some one table behind them sees the lovely moment of Manan and gets jealous. Abhi, Cabir and Dhruv who knew he was sitting beside them kept an eye on him not letting the other know about anything. They were defiantly sure seeing his angry expression when Manik was hugging Nandini that this guy is definitely up to something. All them enjoyed their meal and decided to meet after 20 minutes to make a plan where they should go.
Nandini: Baby Tum room main chalo main aati hu.
Manik: Jaan kaha ja Rahi ho.
Nandini: Bus 2 Mintues main aayi baby u go.
Manik: Okay come fast I want to you to be in my arms in 2 minutes. (Nandini blushes pecks his lips and nods).
Nandini move towards Cabir room who have the boys weird behavior from the yesterday wanted to know what's wrong with them. She reaches Cabir room which was slightly open she peeps in and sees Abhi, dhruv and Cabir sitting with serious faces and planning something. She moves in hearing the door open the guys look at
Her and smile.
Nandini: hey guys what's up?
Cabir: Nm was just playing a game u tell?
Nandini: Nm came here to know about your guys behind behavior from yesterday. What's wrong.
Abhi: Nothing Nandini.
Dhruv: yeah it's nothing. Nothing serious.
Nandini: (sternly) Guys I know u guys are lying just tell me what's wrong or I will call Manik.
Boys: No don't call him.
Nandini: So first tell me what's wrong. (They all look at each other and nods their heads. Cabir goes and locks the door.
Abhi: Okay Nandini don't get panic after hearing this okay and please don't tell Manik. We all will solve it in our way and now u are also with us.
Dhruv: yeah Nandini just listen to us carefully.
Nandini: Guys okay I will not tell him but what's wrong?
Cabir: Okay Nandini so the thing is Aryamaan is keeping an eye on you from till the time you have come here. We noticed him yesterday following us when we were going to the beach and he was hiding behind the tree and looking at you all the time even today at the table. He got jealous seeing you with Manik and was looking at Manik angrily. We are pretty sure that guy is definitely planning something. We got to know after the breakfast when we heard him talking to some one on ink me that he loves you like crazy and wants to get you anyhow and he is planning to kill Manik.
Nandini was shocked to the core hearing this she don't know how to react. She was not scared first but what scared her was Cabir last sentence that he is planning to kill Manik. She was not worried about herself she was worried about Manik. Tears starts flowing from her eyes that what if something happened to Manik. How will she leave without him she will die)
Nandini: (tears flowing from her eyes) Manik no I can't let anything happen to him. No Cabir we have to do somethings I will die if something happened to him.
Cabir: Nandini calm down we have already made a plan to get that nut crack on the road. Don't cry if Manik saw u like this he will kill us for making his baby cry.
Dhruv: Yeah Nandini don't worry we are with u. We will not let anything happened to you guys.
Abhi: we know u guys love each other madly. Manik can't live without you and u can't live without him. So doll be happy. We have made a superb plan.

Nandini nods smiles a little but something happening to Manik was still haunting her. Cabir understand he hugs her tightly.
Cabir: Don't worry Nandini we are with u we will not let anything happen to u and Manik. Relax chill. (Nandini calms down and relaxes)
Abhi: So Nandini listen to our plan carefully. Nothing should go wrong okay. (Nandini nods)
All the boys narrates the plan to her. She smiles hugely after listening the plan and hugs all the boys.
Nandini: if we have friends like you in our life we Never have to face evil. (Boys smile)
Nandini: (shouts) oh shit Manik. Mera phone kaha hai Abhi toh mera pass tha. (She looks around and find it on the table. She sees three miss calls from Manik and some messages asking her where she is)
Nandini: (hurriedly) okay guys bye see you in 20 I have to run to Manik. (Before they could say anything she ran away)
Manan room:
Nandini enters the room breathing heavingly she was looking down and was trying to get her breath back to normal. When she got her breath back to normal she looks for Manik but she saw no one. She moves little in when she heard the door being locked. She turns back and sees Manik was standing with an angry look folding his hands.
Nandini: (Cutely) sorry Jaan I went to the boys room to do something and then they didn't let me go and they wanted to some fun talks with me. (She lied but Manik went aww on her his anger flew away in a Minute)
Manik: (baby face) U took 10 Mintues baby l. U said u will be back in 2 Mintues. I was waiting for you to take you in my arms but u took so long.
Nandini: (went aww she moves towards him) Sorry baby I wanted to come u know Na Cabir and all. Sorry. U take me in your arms right now.
Manik smiles and hugs her tightly.
Nandini: (snuggling more and more into him) please never leave me Jaan your baby will di... (She was cut by hand on her mouth which was of Manik. He never let Nandini say this words infront of him as he cant even imagine something to her)
Manik: Nandini never ever say this again never in your life or I am going to really mad at you. (He said seriously Nandini smiles and nods) but why are u talking Like this.
Nandini: Nothing just wanted to say u this that's why. (Manik knew something is wrong with her but he chuck his thoughts and tightens their hug more)
Manik and breaks the hug and they have a eye lock when Manik notice her eyes little red as she had cried.
Manik: (angrily) Baby u cried Na and don't lie. Boys Na tumha kush kaha Kya Abhi dekhta hu un ko.
Nandini: Manik calm down baby we just got little emotional in our fun talks that's why don't worry I am completely fine.
She places her lips on his and responds equally. Today Nandini was taking the control. She bit his lower lips and that gave her excess to enter his mouth. They kisses each other like mads. Manik starts walking forward still kissing and Nandini walks backwards. She hits the bed and they fall on the bed Manik above her kissing each other
Crazily. Manik in a go removes her crop top and starts kissing on her bo*** Over the fabric. He moves little down and starts kissing, biting giving love bites on her belly button and stomach like mad. Nandini was just moaning his name. He was going to remove her leggings when the door knocks but Manik didn't stop he moved upwards and smashes his lips again on her. She responds equally. They break it as again some one knocked on the door. Manik signs frustratedly gets up from her. She wears her crop top again and smiles.
So I end this chapter here. I hope your guys love it like the previous ones. Please guys give some long long comments and vote for this chapter. Ignore grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. Love you all😘😘😘❤️❤️

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