Part 4

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I am a free girl nothing to do lol so thought of just continue writing. Thanks guys who commented on my previous parts and liked the story I appreciate it!! I hope u guys like this this part too.

The girls went and sat after the guys  and Nandini still had that angry sad pout on her face. All were going Awww on her and she started taking notes and others girls were thinking how to monify this cute child.

Navya: Girls Nandini love chocolates we will give a huge box of chocolates she will gets happy seeing it and forget that she was angry on us. How's the plan.
Aliya and mukti: Yeah that's a good plan.

Manik who was listening this turns angrily and says to the girls.
Manik: (angrily) No one is giving her any chocolates U guys know she loves chocolate and she is crazy about it she will eat them all day which will affect her health and I don't want that. If I stop her she will get angry on me. She really don't care about her health but I do so flop plan think of something else and I also want to talk to u guys Today u three got saved from the professor who will save u guys from me u guys will be punished hard by me for talking Ill about my baby And saying this  he turns his face with a smirk.

Mukti: ( tensed) what will he do with us?
Navya: Omg today I will go home by myself I am not coming with you guys.
Aliya: Navya I will also come with you.

Mukti: Guys, okay we will think about this later first we need to monify this cute baby.
And with this all girls started thinking of a plan. And mukti suddenly shouts got it.
All the students get shock on this sudden shout. Professor turns and says.

Mr Rastogi: What is happening their he said looking at the girls.
Mukti: Nothing sir I was not getting the problem now I got it so I got excited and shouted.
Mr Rastogi: (nods) okay
All the girls take a sign of relief.
Mukti to Aliya and Navya: Girls I got the plan listen and she narrates them the plan and they look at each other and smile.

The lecture finally gets over and all left the class.Manik pulls Nandini with him to the Empty room and all others look at them and signs.

Empty class:
They both enter the class and Manik locks the door and pins her to the wall. Nandini smiles she knew it was coming. Manik starts kissing her senseless and aggressively and Nandini just stood surrender. He was kissing her passionately after good 5 minutes Manik breaks the kiss and says
Manik: (angrily) where were u why were u not picking up my call. Do u know how much tensed I was. Tell me why didn't u picked up my call.
Nandini: Manik calm down my phone was in my bag and I didn't relies Sorry (with cute face)
Manik Melts seeing her cute face and says if u ever did it again with me it will be hard to monify me.
Nandini: ( cutely) okay
Manik goes and Awww and again places his lips on hers for a sweet kiss. He breaks the kiss and ask
Manik: But where did u guys go?
Nandini: Manik that's a secret I can't tell you.
Manik: Nandini u will hide from me.
Nandini: Manik please it's nothing important just leave it Na u will get to know about it Tomm. Let's go to Manik our friends will be waiting for us.
Manik Hides  his face in the crook of her neck and Nandini starts breathing heavingly. Let me spend some time with u and he starts kissing her neck giving love bites and she just moan his name. Manik naughty hands went at her bare back and he starts to open her zip but Nandini pushes him.
Nandini: Manik we are in collage not here. Let's go
Manik unwillingly says: okay let's go princess.

Manik and Nandini goes to the canteen and Sit. And Nandini looks towards the girls with angry pout and turns her face.
Mukti: Nandini sorry Na.
Aliya: sorry Nandini and she holds her ears.
Navya: sorry
Nandini cutely nods her head in no not accepting their apology. Manik and all others smile seeing this. Manik just wanted to eat Nandini alive she was looking so cute.

Mukti: let's go Nandu.
Nandini: where?
Manik: Where are u guys going? No one is going anywhere.
Mukti: Manik let her go Na we will not eat her up and u are not coming with us u just sit here quietly and don't worry we will drop your Nandini safely at home.
Manik: no Mukti I am not leaving Nandini alone. I am coming
Navya: can't u hear in one time u are not coming that's mean u are not.
Aliya: yeah Manik navya is right.
But Manik was stubborn how can he let them win and let Nandini go  alone.
Manik: no means no
Nandini: Manik baby I will be safe don't worry. I am only with the girls Na.
Manik: Nandu baby no means no.
Abhi: Manik let them go Na they will be safe.
Cabir: yeah Manik and mukti is with them Na their bodyguard our lady bheem so don't worry she will keep your nandu and our baby doll
Dhruv: Yeah buddy they are right
Manik agrees and strictly warns Nandini to keep her phone in her hand. And tells her to pick his call up And if their is any problem call and Come back before 8pm. The girls nod and decides to leaves. Manik kisses Nandini forehead and she smiles. They leave.

I hope you guys like this part too. If u find any grammarical error or words spelled wrong really sorry for that. Will update next part on Friday. Guys leave your comment and likes and let me know did u guys liked it or not.

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