Part 13

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Hey guys I am back!!! Hope you guys are doing well!!! Here I am with the new chapter with lot of Masti,love and care and little fight in it.

Navya moves to that professor( he was alone no one was in the teacher room) Nandini, Mukti and Aliya was hiding outside the door and peeping in to see what is happening. Navya goes and says

Navya: Hey sir it's Navya whom u give lecture in the morning. Sir that lectures of your just changed my life I am becoming a better person. I am studying more hard and don't do masti at all. Can I give u one hug for that please don't say sir no please u changed me actually even my friends too. They could not come for some reason. Please sir.

Rest of the girls were giggling outside. Professor smiles and was patting himself that he changed this girls and his lecture on student works. Because from his perspective students of today's generation don't listen to their teacher they think everything is joke. So he becomes Super happy and says yes. Navya smirks but immediately hides it and hugs the professor and she puts the inching powder in his shirt. (Lol) She breaks the hug and saying thank you she runs from their. She comes outside and shows them thumbs up. They all started laughing.

Alya: let's hide somewhere that the professor can't see us.

They go and hide where they can't be seen but they can see the professor. Nandini receive Manik calls.

Nandini: it's Manik what should I say.
Mukti: just receive the call and tell him that they are coming in 10 minutes. And speak slow. Nandini nods and picks up the call.

Nandini: (slowly) Hey Manik
Manik: Baby why are u speaking so slow. Where are u???
Nandini starts sweating it's really hard for her to lie to Manik because he always caught her.
Manik: Baby are u listening where are u? I am coming
Nandini: Jaan u stay their we are coming in 10 minutes we are taking to some girls here. Bye

She cuts the call before Manik could say anything. Manik finds something fishy going on but he chuckles his thoughts.

Nandini: (thoughts) Lying to Manik it is so hard. But what if he gets to know what we did . He will be so angry. She comes out of her thoughts when she hears the girls laughing and she sees the because of the inching powder the professor was dancing like monkeys and was scratching his back with the table as thats where Navya putted the inching powder. Girls were Making his video hiding from him ofcourse as he cant see and all the girls were cracking up. Suddenly they see professor coming out and Nandini has thrown fevicol on the floor.He comes out and slips as he didn't see fevicol lying on the floor. Now he is all sticked with the floor he can't even get up. His back is inching. He is getting all frustrated he can't do anything now. After trying hard he gets up but his pant got torn from the back and his shirt was all white with the Fevicol color. He runs in the teacher room before anyone could see him. Girls were laughing their ass off and was making their video that they can show the boys.

Nandini: (laughing) Omg look at him I can't stop laughing.
Mukti: Me too
Aliya and Navya could not stop laughing their were not in a position to say anything. Their stomach was paining now because they laughed so hard. Nandini notices the time and says:

Nandini: Only 5 Mintues is left for the lecture lets go. The lecture is going to be so much fun today.
Mukti: Ikr!!
Aliya: Girls now be careful the professor should not see us.
Navya: yeah girls be careful he will eat us up. When he gets to know that we did this and act normal infront of Manik he should not know.
Nandini: yeah okay
Let's go the girls sneak out from their but to their bad luck the professor was coming out of the room after changing and he sees them and clicks their picture and smirks.

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