Part 12

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Sorry guys for being late i am down with allergies but I will update this chapter for you guys. I hope you guys love this part.

Nandini come down after getting ready. They both move towards their destination.(collage) They reach collage when both at the gate sees Girls pacing here and there.Nandini move towards them with Manik and asks.

Nandini: girls what happen?

Mukti looks towards Manik and then at Nandini and signs her to make Manik go and Nandini understand and luckily Manik also didn't see Mukti signing Nandini as he was looking at his phone.

Nandini:Baby you move we are coming okay.
Manik: let's go together Na Jaan?
Nandini: Mani we are going to the washroom.
Manik: To put more makeup??
Nandini: yeah
Manik: I don't understand u girls why u have to put more makeup when you already have so much of it on your face and Meri Jaan u look so pretty and beautiful even without make up and pecks on her lips.
Nandini: (blushes) Mani please Na we will not take lot of time.
Mukti: Manik go Na we will come fast.
Manik: okay but be quick  I don't want my Jaan to hear any lecture for being late from any teacher because of you guys.
Aliya: Awww so cute and we promise we will not be late.
Manik nods and kisses Nandini cheek and says come fast baby I will be waiting and Nandini smiles and nods.
Manik leaves and girls drag Nandini into an empty class.

Empty classroom:
Nandini: Girls now will u tell what Happened?
Navya: Nandini actually today morning that teacher again came and yelled at us for no reason. This is going out of limit we have to teach him a lesson.
Nandini: what again but why?
Mukti: we don't know every single morning he Comes to us with his new lecture I am fed up yaar.
Alya: yeah I am getting pissed we have to teach him a lesson.
Nandini: okay okay but do boys know about it??
Mukti: yeah but not Manik we can't tell him because he will never let us do it as u are involved in it.We will do it in a way that Manik never gets to know about it.
Nandini: (worriedly) but what if he comes to know. I am not doing it he will be mad when he comes to know.I can't bear his anger and I can't even hide anything fork him.
Navya: Nandini please Na and  don't worry we will handle him.
Nandini: yeah I know how much u guys will handle you can't even speak infront of him.
Alya: please Nandini we will handle him u just support us in our plan.
Nandini: (unwillingly) okay I will support you. But best of luck when Manik gets to know about it.
Mukti: when he will get to know we will see him now listen the plan. We have 25 minutes before the class start we have to execute it  within this time.

All girls nods and Mukti starts narrating the plan to the girls Nandini laughs hearing the whole plan and says.

Nandini: (laughingly) This is going to be so much fun.
Mukti: yeah now let's teach this sir a lesson. Now he will never able to yell at us without any reason.

The girls move towards the teacher room and sees that teacher and tells Nandini that's him and she nods.

Mukti: Navya u know what u have to do right??
Navya: yeah
Aliya: let's go then

Navya moves to that professor and to be continued.....

I know it's a short chapter but can't write because of this allergies. Sorry!! I will give u a big chapter when I update  next time . But I hope u like this small chapter which I think is not so good. But u guys tell by commenting did u guys like it or not??

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