Part 10

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When Nandini moved out of the trial Room what she saw Infront of her left her surprised. Mukti, Aliya and navya were sitting infront of their partners holding their ears. The whole mall was looking at them. Some people were smiling and some were laughing seeing the funny scenario infront of them. Manik also came out and he started laughing hard and grabs Nandini hand and move towards them. Nandini to the girls.

Nandini: guys what are u doing.
Aliya: This guys gave us punishment for sneaking out of the class.
Nandini: guys are u like crazy infront of the whole mall. U got to be kidding me.
Navya: We have to do this if we don't they will never forgive us. Please Nandini tell them Na to forgive us.
Mukti: yeah baby say them or we have to stay like this. I don't know for how many hours. Look everybody is looking at us. It's so embarrassing.
Navya: yeah and my Keens are also hurting: I can't take this pain anymore.
Nandini: okay wait let me talk to this boys. Guys forgive them Na why are u giving them such a hard punishment. We can sort this out at home too. It's so embarrassing all are making fun of them.
Boys: They deserve this punishment. We are not forgiving them.
Navya: Please Cabir we can sort this out at home too.
Mukti: yeah Abhi please
Aliya: yeah Dhruv lets go home and sort this out. My knees are paining.
All the boys nods and the girls take a sign of relief. They move out of the mall. While they were going out all the people were laughing on them.

Manik: guys I am taking Nandini with me in my car. U guys go in Mukti car.
All girls and boys nods.

Manik car:
Nandini: Manik was that punishment  idea was of yours?
Manik: (smirks) yes the idea was mine.
Nandini: Manik that was so mean of you. Girls had to face so much embarrassment like infront of whole mall. Are u serious
Manik: Nandini it's okay, let me suffer a little now they will never try to sneak out of the class like this and take  you away from me.
Nandini: Manik u Na u are impossible.i am not talking to u and with that she turns her face away from him.
Manik signs and pulls his car in a corner and turns towards Nandini and says.
Manik: Nandini what did I do I just wanted to teach them a lesson but Nandini didn't say anything he again calls her but she don't respond. Now Manik gets angry but he calms himself down. He pulls her to himself and holds his ears and says with puppy face.

Manik: sorry Na. I will tell the boys to stop that drama but please look at me Na and talk to me.
Nandini: (smiles) really u will thank you Manik and she kisses his cheek. And now Manik Malhotra comes to his naughty mood.
Manik: if u want to thank me so thank me Properly.
Nandini: (blushes) Manik what are u saying lets go home it's getting dark.
Manik: no we are not going till u thank me properly and he pulls her closer and places his lips on her and they start kissing each other Madly. Manik breaks the kiss and starts kissing her shoulder and neck.
Nandini: ( breathing heavingly) Manik please let's go home Na.
Manik: Nandini This is not fair u Always stop me but today I am listening you.
Nandini: (boldly) seducetively tracing her finger on his face Manik we will continue this at home Na.
Manik: woh Nandini murthy acting bold I am loving it. So let's go home.

They both reach home. When they see the girls still convincing their boys but they are not agreeing. Nandini gets angry seeing this she move towards them.

Nandini: guys enough stop your drama. Girls they are just acting for being angry at you it was all Manik's idea. Girls look at the boys in shock and boys starts laughing out loud even Manik.
Cabir: (laughing) it was so much fun.Cabir please forgive me I will never do this again hahaha he said imitating navya. Navya starts beating him.
Dhruv: imitating Alya baby please forgive me I will never listen this girls and try to sneak out please please. Alya gets angry hearing that and runs after Dhruv.
Abhi: Abhi my Jaan please forgive it was all Nandini plan I didn't do anything I love you please. Lol Manik your plan was amazing. Mukti gets angry and she also runs after Abhi.

All boys were running for their life. Manik and Nandini was laughing hard. The girls catch their boys and starts beating them with pillow or whatever thing which came in their hands and boys were trying to save their life.
Navya: I am not going to leave you Cabir.
Alya: I am going to kill your Dhruv.
Mukti: Abhi I am not talking to you ever. Today your entry is banned from my house. Sleep here
Abhi: baby I am sorry it was Manik's plan. We boys are innocent.
Mukti: shut Abhi we boys are innocent imitating Abhi my foot.
Navya: let's go girls to my house and she grabs Mukti with her  and Alya follows them.
Boys: sorry Na we will never do this again and look we are doing sit and stand. Manik and Nandini smiles. But the girls were not ready to hear them. Navya turns To Nandini and says to her let's go what are u waiting for.
Manik: holds Nandini hand and says she is not going anywhere u fought with your partner but she didn't. So why she will come with you.
Navya: Nandini are u coming or not I am waiting. U are our best friend if u don't come we are not taking to u.
Mukti and Alya: yeah Nandini we will not talk to you.
Nandini: guys what I did. Why are u bringing me in your fight.
Manik:( angrily) yeah Nandini is right why are u bringing us in your fight. She is not going anywhere  Okay get that in your mind girls. And how dare u threaten her u remember my warning right.
The girls get scared and nods and says sorry Nandini.
Nandini: (smiles) it's okay but guys please forgive them Na see how cutely they are saying sorry.
The girls come and stand infront of their partners and...... To be continued

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