Part 52

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They all reach home Manik picks Nandini in his arms while cabni was sneezing non-stop. Manik was really mad on seeing this on both of them.

Nandini: Jaan we (sneeze) are(sneeze) sorry(sneeze)

Cabir: Buddy (sneeze) I am sor (sneeze) sorry Gusa chod (sneeze) da (sneeze) Na.

Manik gives both of them angry glare. They hung their heads down while others were laughing at both of them. Manik moves towards kitchen while Nandini was going to get go after him when Manik voice stops her on her place.

Manik: Don't u dare follow me Nandini sit right there!! (Nandini makes a bad face on listening Nandini she with a grumpy face goes and sits)

Cabir: Nandi (sneeze) Nandini (sneeze) tumari (sneeze) vaja sa (sneeze) hua hai (sneeze)

Nandini: Man (sneeze) Main( sneeze) Maina kaya (sneeze) kiya?? (sneeze) (she said angrily)

Everybody signed in disbelief they are continuously sneezing but their fight has no end. They all were passing them tissue papers which were going to come to an end soon.

Cabir: Ky (sneeze) kyun (sneeze) Tuna (sneeze) Nahi faka (sneeze) tha pani muj (sneeze per)

Nandini had nothing to say as she was the one who throwed first she kept her face hung down.

Nandini: So (sneeze) Sorry (sneeze)

Cabni both sneezed together while they see Manik coming out with the milk they both look at each other and nod a big no as they both hate milk. Manik kept the tray infront of both of them.

Manik: (sternly) Both of you have this fast and without any tantrums Nahi toh it will really bad for both you!!

Nandini: Ja (sneeze) Jaan u know (sneeze) Na I (sneeze) hate milk (sneeze). (She said making a super disgusting face looking at the milk)

Cabir: Please Manik (sneeze) u know how much (sneeze) I hate milk (sneeze)

Manik: I said Na both of you have this milk. U both have 10 min Nahi toh Nandini all your chocolates will be thrown out and you Cabir no more junk
Food for a month and plus I will not talk to both of you!! (Hearing this all they both screamed)

Cabni: Nahiiiiiii!!! (Sneeze) (Everyone laughs while Manik still had that strain face on)

They both looked at Manik with pleading eyes making a super cute puppy which could melt anyone it melted Manik too but he composed himself but he gave both of them a super angry glare. They both picked the hot milk closed their nose and drank it in a go. After drinking it they both made a super bad face.

Nandini: Abh toh u will not stop talking to me Na mani??

Cabir: Or mera junk food band toh Nahi karwaya ga Na??

Manik: No main tumsa kabhi bhi bolna band Nahi kar sakta or bukad khana Jitna junk food khana hai.

They both happily hooped into Manik's arms while he happily hugged them tightly.

Manik: What are u guys standing their for come!!! (The 5 them all joined them in a tight group hug)

They all break the group and moved towards the dinning table to have food. The servant came and served them all the dishes were favorite of Cabni they both had a big smile on their faces. They look towards Manik as they knew he did it.

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