Part 3

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I hope you all like this part. Please guys comment or like tell me are u guys liking the story or not.

All the girls move towards the class with worried faces. They were near the class and their heart beat was going fast they know they will be killed by their teacher. But Nandini was only worried about how she is going to monify her Jaan.(Manik) She knows he will be angry. They all reached infront of the class.

Infront of the class:
Navya: (worried) guys lets go back Na I can't face this professor.
Nandini: don't worry navya he will only give lecture Na big deal just hear it and then forget whatever he said.
Navya: Nandini I have heard about his punishment from other students they are not just only his stupid lectures. U know he makes u write the last 10 chapters we have studied in the class again in only one day or he makes u clean the whole class room when the students leave and he gives you 2 Lunch detentions for coming late just for 1 day. And much more..
All together: what
Navya: yeahhh
Nandini: Omg now what will we do girls mukti it's all because of u. Manik will be also angry with me and Now I have to take this professor punishment too.
Aliya and Navya: yeah mukti it's all because of you.
Mukti:(in loud voice) guys I am sorry okay don't blame everything on me I just wanted to tell you guys my plan.

That's it they all started fighting Mukti fighting with them for blaming her and others girls are fighting with her for getting them late.
In class:
Professor: ( Thinking) who is shouting out of my class. Let me go and check and teach them a good lesson.
Mr Rastogi: U all read this chapter I am just coming.
All nodes. He goes out of the class and see all of them shouting and releases that they are his class girls.
Mr Rastogi: ( shouts) shut up all of you.
Everybody in the class got shocked on whom he is shouting that too so loud. Manik position was still the same restless, worried and he was looking at his phone again and again did Nandu replied or not.
Ms Rastogi: u four in the class right now.
All the girls: we are dead
Mr Rastogi: didn't u hear in the class right now.
Nandini: yeah sir
Mr Rastogi enters the class will the girls after them.All students look and them even Manik, Cabir, Dhruv and Abhi. Manik finally takes a sign of relief seeing Nandini safe and infront of him. Nandini also looks at him while entering the class.  They both look at each other. Nandini could tell that today Manik will not leave her she can see his anger filled eyes.
Nandini: (thinking) I am dead today but I have to do something I can't see Manik angry.
Ms Rastogi breaks  her thoughts.
Mr Rastogi: Here comes our  latecomers. Would u all like to tell why u guys are late and give me a good excuse or punishment will be more harder. And why were u guys shouting infront of the class.
All the girls makes baby type faces and keeping their head down. Signing each other hiding from teacher that they are dead. But the boys sees this and laughs but Manik still had that angry look on. But he also can't see his princess In trouble so he says to boys:
Manik: If this professor hurted or yelled at my Jann he will be not living in this world anymore.
All the boys: here speaks our Romeo (all laugh)
Manik: guys I am serious
Cabir: Manik we know u are always serious about your Jaan don't worry he will not do anything and even if he tried to do anything u are their Na to save your Jaan and we are their to save our girls.
Here girls in their mind were finding good reasons to tell their professor or they have to face his worse.All the girls were trying to find a reason and nandu finds one and speaks without thinking If the excuse made sense or not.
Nandini: Navya leg got fracture sir that's why we were late. ( lamest excuse Navya just walked infront of him properly).
All starts laughing at her and Mukti, Navya,Alia palm their faces.
Professor: (serious)shut up all of u and u what's your name Nandini really then how she is walked properly??.
Nandini palms her face. She is in big trouble.
Cabir: Nandini is in big trouble Manik.
Manik: don't worry I will not let this professor touch my girl!!!
Here Nandini was out of words she got caught and  she don't know what to say. And the girls whisper to Nandini.
Aliya: Nandini this was the lamest excuse ever.
Mukti: yeah Nandini see what u did now we will punished more harder now.
Navya: I don't want to die I don't want to die.
Nandini: shut up Navya he will not kill us. Let me find other reason.
All the girls literally shouts: No Nandini thank you and keep quite and shut up.
Nandu makes a cute pout and nods and Manik see that pout. He just wanted to kiss her hard but he Remembers that he is angry with her. But he also note down to talk to this girls for yelling at his Shona.Suddenly mukti speaks

Mukti: Sir we were actually preparing for the group presentation u gave us. We got so into it that we didn't realize the time. Sorry sir.
Professor: Then why nandini u made that excuse.
Nandini was going to speak but mukti starts speaking not letting Nandu speak  because mukti knew she is going to mess up more. Nandini understanding this make a cute angry pout.Manik was just looking at Nandini all the time and looking at her cute antics he just wanted to take her home with him right now crash her on the bed and kiss her senseless, and he can even do this because he had did that before lot of time when she Shows all this cute antics he can't control himself , But he can't do today because his anger on her is stopping him. Manik thought were broken by mukti voice.
Mukti: Sir this girl is an idiot she don't know what she speaks please sir don't listen her.
Aliya and Navya: yes sir she is an idiot don't hear her.
And hearing this Nandini mouth left wide open and she turns her face and makes a angry pouty face. Manik gets angry on mukti for calling his love idiot he decides that he is not going to leave this girls and will take their class for speaking Ill for his Jaan.

The professor believes them and tells them that it's their last warning never come late in his class and they nodes and go to their seats. Nandini still had that angry cute pout on her face which made them all go aww. And then girls sits at the desk after the boys.

I know I wrote crap lol but I couldn't
think of anything so bare with it.

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