Part 7

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Manik and Nandini breaks their kiss. Both were breathing heavingly.

Manik: Princess u take rest I will go and freshen up. Don't u even dare to get up from the bed till I come. Do u get that.
Nandini smilingly nods. Manik smiles are kisses his forehead and makes his way to the bathroom. Nandini lies down she was trying to sleep but couldn't because she just woke up. Manik comes out of the bathroom after 10 minutes wearing short and shirt looking charming and handsome as always( pic in media box)and smiles looking at Nandini and went aww. As she was lying on her stomach with a cute pout because she couldn't sleep.

Nandini: (cutely with a pout)Mani lets go to collage Na I can't even sleep and I am feeling perfectly fine.

Manik: Nandu just sit home today we are not going anywhere,  and don't u even dare to get up from the bed today. Nandini: Manik please Na I can't sit home whole day. I will feel bored.
Manik: (angrily) Nandini don't u get that we are not going anywhere.

Nandini makes a angry pout and turns her face on the other side showing that she is angry. Manik curse himself for shouting at her and feels guilty. Manik sits on the bed and turns her face towards him but she again turns her face on the other side with that angry pout.
Manik: Sorry baby really sorry I didn't wanted to shout at you. Please look at me Na. U can punish me or can do anything but please look at me.

Nandini turns her face towards him and sees him holding his ears with a puppy face. She smiles and says

Nandini: it's okay I know u shouted at me for my good so I don't mind. But please Na baby I can't sit home whole day. I promise if I feel weak I will tell u Nandini promise. And u are always around me Na.
Manik: okay Let's go. But whenever u feel week tell me I will bring u home. If u didn't I will be really mad at u.
Nandini: promise I will.
Nandini gets up and goes to freshen up and comes out wearing shorts and a crop top( picture in media box)in which she was looking so sexy and hot. Manik sees her and goes towards her and pins her to the nearby wall sandwiching him between him and the wall. He keeps his hand on her bare waist and pulls her More towards himself. Their was not distance between even air couldn't pass between them.
Manik: do u know how much hot and sexy u are looking. Planning to kill me. U know how hard it is becoming for me to control myself. Before Nandini could say anything he places his lips on her and kisses her hard till she goes breathless. Nandini keeps her hands on back pulling him more to herself. Manik breaks the kiss and starts kissing her neck and shoulder giving love bites and Nandini just stood their surrender letting him do whatever he wants. He bends down and starts giving soft kisses on her stomach and belly button making her moan his name hard. Nandu was breathing heavingly with his sweet tortures. She pulls Manik up and kisses him hard making him go breathless. She breaks the kiss and they join their foreheads.
Nandini: Manik lets go we are getting late.
Manik: This is not done Nandini I didn't even finish  my romance yet and u are saying lets go to collage not fair.Let's just continue where we stopped.
Nandini: (blushingly) Manik stop.
Manik: (naughtily) what stop okay I am leaving u now but get that in your mind when we come back I am going to punish you hard for stopping me.
Nandini: (blushingly) okay but now let's go we are getting late.
Manik: okay princess.

They both leave for collage. When they come out of the car some boys starts ogling at Nandini Which made Manik jealous and angry. Nandini sees him and smiles seeing him jealous  and then turns towards the boys who was looking at her.

Nandini: (angrily)have you never seen a girl in your life.
Boy: a girl like you I have never seen so sexy and hot. Come to me Na baby what are u doing with him.
Manik gets angry hearing this and was going to punch him but Nandini stop him and says mani let me handle. Manik Looks at her angrily but she ignore his angry expression and turns toward the boys.
Nandu: Oh so u have never seen a girl like me ha let me show u how a girl like me is and what she can do with Guys like you.
Boy: (laughingly)I would love to see it baby. Come Na show me actually show us.
Nandini smirks and She goes towards the guy and punched him hard on his face that blood starts coming from the corner of his lips. All the students starts looking at her and smiles because that guys were the guys who always use to flirt with girls and girls could not do anything because they were strong. But seeing a girl taking stand for herself They all smile and start enjoying the show which was going infront of them so many students gather around them. Their friends also come and all the girls go toward Nandini and stands after her giving deadly glare to the guys . Nandini takes out her sandal and start beating the guy badly other girls join her too they also take their shoes or sandal out and starts throwing on the other  boys. Manik smiles seeing this and was proud of his girl.
Nandini: holds the guy from his collar and says U guys think u guys will keep flirting with us and we would not say anything Don't think that because we girls are strong and we know how to protect ourselves get that in your mind and guys like u are nothing infront of us. Get that in your fuck***garbage mind and she leaves the guy  and says if I see u guys here ever again or see u guys flirting with any girl u guys will see more worst of me than I have showed u today. The boys get scared and run away saying sister we will never come here again and will never in our life flirt with girls. All the girls sprung on Nandini sandwiching her in between she could not even breath. Manik shouts seeing that.
Manik: (shouting) girls get away from her she can't even breath. All the girls realize and leaves her and says sorry.
Nandini: it's okay
Girl: thank you Nandini for whatever u did. We could not come to collage because of this boys because they use to flirt with us and we could not even do anything because they were powerful then us. But because of you now we can freely Come to collage without getting scared of this boys. Thank you so much.
Nandini:(smiles) it's okay and says girls u need to be strong and stand for yourself I will not be their for you guys everytime. Girls nods
Peon comes to nandini and says principal is calling she nods and says she is coming. Peon leaves.
Manik: Princess let's go I will come with u.
Nandini: okay Manik and says Bye to the girls.

So I end this chapter here. Hope u guys like this chapter too. Keep showering your love on this story by commenting and liking.

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