Chapter 1 | Not So Cliché Introduction

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To start off, this is my first Arrow/Oliver Queen fiction book, so I'm really excited about it!

My inspiration to write this book was from none other than Tinkertaydust 's A Dance With The Flash, because of it's incredible storyline and writing style.

If you feel that the story is going far too fast for your speed (mind the pun), then feel free to add your opinions in the comments. I love hearing constructive feedback, and it'll really improve my writing.

As a disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters other than Sam and Nate Graham, Karen Wilde, and Veronica Dahrk.

The first few chapters will be slightly shorter, but will progressively get longer towards the end, so don't think that the chapters are going to be short all the way through.

Do not forget to vote, comment, and feel free to message me on anything you like or don't like :)

And without further ado, here is Behind the Arrow:

Introductions aren't really my thing. Then again, my thing is to participate in hand-to-hand combat in the undergrounds. So, generally, introductions should be quite simple for me, right? Wrong. Introductions are so cliché, so...normal. I'm everything but normal, believe me.

Everything has been tough since my father passed away six years ago, leaving my brother, Nathan, and I to salvage for ourselves. We've managed to do a lot of things that we couldn't have accomplished without the death off our father. Even though there's an evident hole in our hearts, we continue to live life as much as we can, keeping the ideals of our father within our grasp.

My father, Professor Dane Graham, was a well-renowned professor with one goal: to expose Robert Queen and all of the bad he's done to Starling city. However, once my father passed away, his legacy fluctuated. It's then that Nate and I realized that we were my father's only hope to resurrect his legacy and finish what he started.

Our father, being the professor that he was, he used a lot of his findings on us, wrongfully so. When Nate turned ten, he was taken to my dad's lab, where he was injected with multiple syringes full of multiple liquids. The next few days were agonizing pain for him, I knew. I used to hear him scream down the hall, followed by my father's reassuring words. I was six at the time.

After those painful days, one night, the screaming stopped. It was so sudden, it scared me. That night, my brother came out of the room after days of not seeing him, he seemed so happy even though he looked like he came out of a blood battle. One thing that was different was, he was given a 'gift', as my father would call it: Nate had super-speed. He could run faster than anyone I had ever seen. Not only could he do that, but he could shoot scorching fire from the palms of his hands.

I was always jealous of this for four years after that. When one day, my father did the same to me on my tenth birthday. Just like Nate, I was in excruciating pain for the seven to eight following days, having my father whisper words of reassurance and wisdom as I yelped for help. However, when those days stopped, I finally realized why Nate had been so happy the day the pain had stopped: he had discovered his 'gifts'. Now, it was time for me to discover mine. My power, or 'gift', was telekinesis.

I could tell what someone was thinking, what they were feeling. Not only that, but with my power, I could lift any object up with the power of my mind, my father used to call me Matilda for that. I could lift myself up as well. However, the reason I stood out was because I could manipulate people into doing anything with just my 'gift'.

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