Chapter 19 | Kiss Me

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"We are gathered here today to celebrate the life of Oliver Jonas Queen," the minister spoke, standing over Oliver's casket, "Now, we will have a eulogy from Samantha Graham."

I got up, slowly, walking up to the podium in front of the casket. There was no body, it just wasn't recoverable. I just wanted to avoid all the questions.

"My name is Sam," I start, "Oliver's girlfriend. I'd met Oliver the day I started working for him at Queen Consolidated, now known as Palmer Tech. He was really hard to miss, he was tall and handsome, very kind, and very hospitable. I remember, I had hated him for the first few weeks but I guess that no one could really hate Oliver, am I right?"

Everybody slightly chuckled to that.

"Anyways," I continued, "He'd always make me laugh so hard that I could barely breathe. His heart was as pure as anything I'd ever witnessed in my life. He cared for me the way no man had ever did, other than of course my brother, Nathan."

"He could mesmerize me in the smallest of ways, like by showing me a small trick he'd picked up on Lian Yu or just dazzling me with his sarcastic jokes. I loved that quality about him. He'd been my boyfriend, my soulmate, and my best friend. The stupidest mistake I'd ever made when I was with Oliver, and believe me there were a lot of mistakes, was that I turned down his marriage proposal. I loved him so much that it pained me to think that I'd have to live away from him, seeing as I live in Peru now."

"Oliver always had my back, he was the one. Before last week, I couldn't imagine a world without him. He was the one I woke up to, the one I lived for, and the one I cherished the most. He was my other half, but now he's gone," tears spill from my eyes.

"On a more positive note, his legacy will be forever cherished. I will guarantee that," I finish, wiping tears from under my eyes.

I was evidently struggling to hold back the grief, tears flow steadily down my immobile face. I couldn't help but feel bruised inside, a complete numbness and emptiness, as I began walking behind the mahogany coffin, saying a final goodbye although he's gone already. My soul was unwilling to acknowledge the finality of death, realizing that I can never look upon his face again or feel his embrace, or see the warmth in his eyes, or be surrounded by his love.

Words from the minister were the last thing of the day before we went to the reception, speeches at the service bring a fresh onslaught of tears from me, but they were well spoken words. They were a tribute to his life. I felt pain when everyone was in black, placing dusky pink roses on the casket, then watching the casket lowered into the grave through my tear-strained eyes. Good-bye, Ollie.

The reception was even worse. Everyone kept asking me about Oliver but all I could do was cling onto my brother, Thea, or Felicity. They consoled me and kept me safer. Although, the safeness I felt with Oliver was now gone and I was well aware that I wouldn't be getting that back anytime soon.

"Sami," Nate grabbed my hand gently, "Are you really going to live in Peru?"

"No," I shake my head, "It's better than saying Nanda Parbat."

"Are you going to actually go back there?," he asks, furrowing his brows together.

"I don't know, Nate," I cry softly into the crook of his neck, "I don't know..."

"Look," he lifted my chin, cooing, "I'm sorry, it's alright. Just tell me when you have to leave?"

"Now," I state, shaking my head.

"Sami, is there any way that I can make you stay?," he asks, getting teary eyed.

"I'm sorry," I respond, "For everything."

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