Chapter 12 | Al-Sahira

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Four Months Later

"You have done well, Al-Sahira," Ra's nods, placing his sword back in it's holder by his waist, "I would like to honor you tonight at Nyssa's banquet."

"I don't suppose that she'll be too fond of that idea," I say as we begin to walk inside the gigantic fortress.

"She will have no choice," Ra's snaps, "She is my daughter and every one of my commands will be hers to follow."

"Yes, Ra's," I nod, head dropping low.

"I will see you tonight, and your achievement for fighting so well today has earned you the rest of the night off till the banquet," he gives me a blood-curdling smile.

"Thank you," I bow, before leaving to go to my chamber.

It's been four months since I've seen Oliver, my brother, or anyone close to me for that matter. The pain I go through everyday puts evident cracks in my heart, as I'm sure it's doing to those who I love.

Since being here, I have found myself a new identity, killing off Samantha Graham out all together. I am known as Al-Sahira now, or The Sorceress. Although many may think it's lonely here, it's not. I have Canary and her girlfriend, Nyssa al-Ghul, who have helped me beyond recognition to fit in this 'prison'.

I would prefer being in Starling city more than ever tonight, being my brother's birthday. This is the first birthday we would have not shared together and the pain of missing him is harder tonight than it has been since I arrived at this hell-hole.

"Sorceress," Canary comes and hugs me, "I heard about your combat training today with Ra's, apparently you're going to be honored."

"I hope so," I smile, "I've been working hard to earn the cloak, bow, and arrows."

"I know you have," she hugs me again, "Anyways, I'm free for another hour if you want to join Nyssa and I for some early snacks."

"I'd love to but I'm really tired," I groan, collapsing on my bed.

"Alright, but it's an open invite."

"I'll keep that in mind," I nod at her as she gets up and exits my chamber. I let out a low sigh as I walk towards my wardrobe and look through the masses of clothes. Each outfit had it's own identity and they were so beautiful, but they weren't me. I'm one of the only people in Nanda Parbat that wear t-shirts and jeans, of the dullest color, but still, and there was no way I was going to change the clothes I wear.

"Heya," my ears must be deceiving me because that sounded like Nate's voice, "I wanted to spend my birthday with you."

"Who are you?," I turn around, getting slightly suspicious.

"Your brother," he replies.

"I don't have a brother," I proclaim, thinking that this must be a set up.

"Sam, this is not you, you're better than this," he says, getting very unsettling.

"Samantha Graham is dead, I am Al-Sahira," I pronounce, taking my sword out and placing it against his throat.

"Don't do this, Sam," he pleads, guards and Ra's soon entering my room.

"I told you, Samantha Graham is dead, I am Al-Sahira!," I yell as I run the blade through his throat, slicing it open. The spew of blood greets my shirt, spraying all over it, leaving a pool at his head as he drops to the floor.

"You have been given herbs over the course of a few weeks that allow you to see things that aren't to be," Ra's starts, motioning the guards to clean the mess made on my floor, "They say that there are three types of hallucinations: the ones that make you go hysterical, the ones that bring you wisdom, and the ones that show you the truth. Which did you see?"

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