Chapter 21 | Way To Kill The Mood

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"Are you okay?," he asks once we're out.

"I'm fine, Oliver," I chuckle, "I'm okay."

"You sure?," he furrows his brows, "You took a beating in there."

"That was a good day," I laugh, "I'm alright. Really."

"I'd hate to see the bad days," he cringed, "What was that water thing about?"

"The lazarus pit. It heals and regenerates," I say simply, "But it has side effects."

"What type of side effects?," he asks as we grab a tray and get into line for lunch.

"Well though the Lazarus Pit is undeniably powerful and useful, it comes with side effects, both of which happen immediately after a user emerges," I explain, "The user becomes temporarily insane and gains increased strength for a brief period. There are many pits, but each of the Lazarus Pits can only be used once for each person. However Ra's al-Ghul's daughter, Nyssa, discovered a way to make the Lazarus Pit here last indefinitely."

"The side effects would be insanity?," he questions, "But how come you're not insane?"

"Maybe I am," I joke, "No, I haven't been submerged in it. I've just healed myself."

"Oh," he nodded right as the man serving food dropped a load of powdered mashed potatoes and water-like consistency gravy directly on our trays. "I don't think I'll get used to the food here," Oliver cringes at the sight of the goo in front of us.

"Stop whining," I laugh, scooting over into a booth.

"So," Oliver starts, trying a spoonful of his food, "How was it?"

"How was what?," I ask, pushing around my food.

Suddenly, he sat closer to me, "How was last night?"

"I have nothing to compare it to, but I thought it was amazing," I blush openly, "W-What did you think?"

"I thought I had the best night of my life," he leaned down and kissed me. Kissing him is really prickly because of his beard, which contrast his lips because they are as soft as a pillow. All in all, I was happy. I hadn't been this happy in a long time.

I just hope the plan with Dahrk works out alright. We have two more weeks till the plan is initiated and then we'll have more time to really work out how we're going to destroy the League of Assassins.

"It's disgusting how much I'm in love with you," I giggle, holding his face within my hands.

"I don't think it's disgusting per se," he chuckles, "I think it's cringe-worthy."

"I agree to that," I whisper, learning into his face again, kissing him with all my heart.

"Hey, guys," Firestorm and Nyssa come and sit next to us, "How's everything?"

"Um," I clear my throat, "It's fine."

"We still are unable to find Sara," Nyssa says, sadly.

"We'll find her, Nyssa...," I smile.

"Who's this?," Firestorm asks, "And why does he look like me?"

"This is my boyfriend, Oliver," I smile as Oliver puts his arm around my shoulders, "and I don't know why he looks like you, and I don't see the resemblance."

"Fair enough," Firestorm shrugs, "Anyways, we were going to go bug the Archers if you wanna come."

"Again?," I groan, giggling, "Remember what happened last time? One of them shot an arrow through my shoulder, and then I had to beg for Ra's not to submerge me into the pit."

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