Chapter 8 | You're Worth Waiting For

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Several days went by, and now with my powers back, I can finally attempt to mask myself from Oliver. Granted, he has been busy, and that alone has made contact between us limited. However, the occasional time that I almost bump into him, I divert my course, knowing that he may be coming my direction, thanks to my powers.

But as we all know, two can play at the 'ignoring game', and he isn't a shy player. He does come down to the I.T. Department every so often to get an analysis on a lead, but seeing as I am never there when he does so, he attempts to make me jealous through flirting with Felicity. It bugs me that he thinks that jealousy makes a difference in if I want to confront him or not.

"I got the all the shareholder funds transferred," Nate smiles, chirpily. My slouched figure and monotone expression suggests that I'm not as excited about this as he is, and I should be, but all I can think about is Oliver. Ironic right? He's supposed to be the opposing side, the enemy.

"That sounds great," I sigh, smiling nevertheless. We were currently having lunch at the cafeteria, "I got through the main firewall of the company encryption, now all I need to do is hack into the main frame."

"Fantastic, but Sami?," Nate looked very concerned, "What's wrong?"

"What are we going to do with this, Nate?," I urge, "I mean, after we rob Queen Consolidated for all they're worth, then what?"

"Samantha, are you serious?," he almost  stutters at his words, "We've been working on this for years, Samantha, years!"

"I know, Nate, but how about we find dad's and Arthur's killer and then we can avenge their death's instead?"

"Queen is the killer, Sam!," Nate, looks around to see if the noise he's making is bothering anyone around us, "He killed dad and he killed Arthur."

"No he didn't!," I snap, "His father did, and now, his father's dead."

"All the more reason to make his family pay," Nate retaliated.

"His family wasn't involved with the murder!," I growl at him.

"He'll then feel the pain we've been through, Sami," Nate attempts to get through to me.

"Who? Oliver's dead father? Do you think that by draining this company's resources and finances that we'll be helping people?," I scoff.

"We're giving it to their rightful owners, Samantha," he snaps.

"Are you even considering the thirty thousand people going unemployed, including two very weird mutants?," I try to knock sense into him, "Nate, how about we stop this now and focus on finding the murderer?"

"Why are you defending Oliver Queen?," he sighs, then it clicks, "No."

"'No'?," I sounded confused.

"You're smitten," he stares at me in sheer disappointment.

"Puh-lease, for that lowlife Oliver Queen? That pathetic excuse for a living soul?," I scoff, obviously not meaning it but at this point, I needed my brother to believe me, "Hear yourself, Nate, do I look like someone that'd go for Oliver Queen?"

"I guess not," he sighs, giving in, "Hey, I'm sorry, Sami."

"It's alright, Catalyst," I chuckle.

"New nickname, I presume?"

"An accurate presumption too," I laugh.

"MS. GRAHAM TO MR. STEELE'S OFFICE," the loud speaker boomed through the refectory, making me jump at the calling of my own name.

"I guess I should go," I get up and put my tray away, "I'll see you at home, okay?"

"Alright, you have the tablets with you?," he asks, concerned once again.

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