Chapter 2 | Clubbing With the Devil

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"You can't expect me to work here," I whisper to Nate. In turn, he disregarded my comment and just flashed a toothy grin to a female PA walking around the building.

A week after our rendezvous at the Queen Consolidated, it was ironic that we had made it back here but this time, we were well prepared for job interviews.

"I don't expect you to do anything, Samantha," Nate snaps, angrily, "I expect you to sit in a cubical and do absolutely nothing all day and get paid for it, while we begin to look into this place and finish our jobs."

"Well, when you say it like that...," I trail off, "What about fighting?"

"You can still go there," he sighs, "after work."

"Seriously, I—."

I began to finish my sentence but was cut off by a large man approaching us, "Mr. Queen and Mr. Steele will see you now," he looked at his clipboard one last time as he tried finding my name, "Ms. Samantha Graham."

"Good luck, Sami," Nate called, pecking my temple. I looked through the glass walls to see two men sitting there, I assume they're Mr. Steele and Oliver Queen, however, they look too busy to take notice of me evaluating them.

"Ms. Graham," Mr. Steele smiled, motioning towards the chair placed in front of him and Oliver Queen, "Please, take a seat."

"Thank you for giving me this opportunity, Mr. Steele," I shake his hand, smiling. I notice Oliver sitting there waiting for his introduction, so I outstretch my hand towards him, "Oliver Queen, I've heard a lot about you."

"Mostly good, I hope," he gives me a forced smile.

"Okay," Mr. Steele flips through papers, looking at my resumé and other work experience, "Fantastic resumé, all A's through high school, 4.0 GPA, and acceptance into Harvard University, however, you only attended one semester. May I ask why?"

"It wasn't the thing for me," I flash him a forced smile.

"Oh, and fighting was?," he furrowed his brows, and my heart sank. Nate probably forgot to delete that off my resumé when typing it up, last time I let that boy do anything for me.

"See," I look around for an answer, then my eyes lock onto Oliver who seems more interested in the topic at hand. I promised Nate that I wasn't going to use my powers during this but I had to. I linked my mind to his, having the ability to tell him what to do and what not to do. Once I was sure, he was under my control, I spoke, "I use fighting as an escape."

Mr. Steele was about to speak but Oliver cut him off, "Escaping what exactly?"

I hadn't anticipated that that Oliver would say anything during the interview, so I responded with a queer look, "Problems. Fighting helps," I scanned his thoughts for a moment, finding out that he also fights somewhat, "I'm sure you can relate, Mr. Queen."

That just shuts him up completely. I leave Mr. Steele's mind, thinking I have erased that part of his memory in which he asked me the question. "So, you wish to work in the I.T department?," he questions.

"It's what I excel in, sir," I respond.

"Any family?," Oliver asks, attentively.

"An older brother, sir," I respond, not wanting to mention my father.

"Parents?," he's practically on the verge of his seat now.

"None," I respond, bluntly.

"There has to be someone—," Oliver begins but Mr. Steele intervenes.

"Enough, Oliver," Mr. Steele snaps.

"It's really alright, Mr. Steele," I attempt to calm him down, "Just inform me if I got the job or not," I flash him a warm smile.

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