Chapter 5: just a movie

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Elizabeth pov

The rest of the day I stay in my room Chatting on my laptop with old friends. They were wondering where I was but I can't tell them the truth so I told them I live with my grandmother because I had some problems with my parents but it was all a lie...

~~ 6.30 PM ~~

"Food is ready!" Bradley shout from downstairs. I went downstairs into the kitchen and start eating.

"Brad?" I asks as he looks up at me. "What?" He asks. "Can I go to a friend tonight?" I asks him. "No." He said and start eating again. "Why not?" I asks him. "I want you to stay here." He said looking into my eyes. "But I'm bored here." I told him. "You may not always sit in your room." He said.

After dinner we sat down on the couch. Bradley choosed a movie I don't know how it calls but it's not intresting at all.

I laid down with my head on brad's lap. I tried to fall asleep when I heard that there was an dirty scene in the movie. I heard some moaning and Bradley start moving a little. I looked up at him. "You're okay?" I asked him. He didn't answer he was just focusing on the movie. I ignored and tried to fall asleep, well till I felt something hard. I sat up and saw Bradley just got a boner. I laughed a little. "Uh Bradley." I said. He didn't answer as he kept watching the movie. "Hey!" I said louder and he looked at me. "What?" He asks annoyed. I looked down at his... boner and laughed. He quickly laid his hands over it and blushed.

I felt asleep on bradley's shoulder. "Liz." I heard Brad but I ignored him. I just pretend that I was still asleep.

I felt Bradley stood up and picked me up. He walked upstairs into a bedroom and laid me down. I opened my eyes a little to see him undressing till he was just in his boxers. When he turned around throwards me I closed my eyes again. I felt his hands unbutten my jeans. He took it off and laid down next to me.

"Goodnight." He whispered and kissed my forhead. Am I really going to sleep with him?

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