Chapter 34: what about the baby?

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Bradley's pov

I woke up to some beeping noice. I slowly opened my eyes. I looked around to finally see the boys. I wasn't home.

"Where am I?" I ask them. "In the hospital." Connor spoke up. "Why?" I ask again. "You and Liz got in a car crash." Tristan told me. I start thinking, I closed my eyes and saw me and Liz in the car..

~~ brad's dream ~~

We were upside down. I felt bleed dripping from my head. As I looked at Liz I saw she was heavley bleeding. "Liz." I whispered but she didn't answer. "Liz." I said louder but still no reaction. I start to get worried. I tried to get the door open but I failed. I tried harder but That's when I got a sharp pain in my back. 'I need to get us out of here.' I thought to myself. I tried harder and harder to get out but it only hurt me more. The bleed from my head was still coming down. I was losing a lot of blood. And that's when everything went black..

~~ end of dream ~~

I opened my eyes and saw Tristan and Connor left. Leaving me with James. "Where is Liz?" I ask him. "They are still checking on her." James told me. "Is she okay?" I asked. "We don't know yet." He said.

Tristan's pov

Connor and I walked down the hallway to finally reach the waiting room. We went to the lady behind the desk. "Can I help you?" She asks. "We were wondering if you have some news about Elizabeth Valentine?" I asked her. "Not yet." She said. "Do you know how long it's gonna take?" Connor asks. "I really have no idea, I'm sorry but you have to wait." She said. We thanked her and went back to brad's room. "You got some news about Liz?" Bradley asked us. "Not yet." I said taking a deep breath. "We have to wait." Connor said.

We waited the whole day. When it was almost 11PM we dicide to go ask the lady again. This time it was me and James.

"You're coming for Elizabeth Valentine?" The lady asks. "Yes." I said. "You can go to room B208 there will be a doctor who will explain you everything." The lady said. I thanked her again and we got in a hurry to the room.

I knocked on the door and got in. We saw Liz on the bed. She looked pale and was asleep. "How is she doing?" I ask the doctor. "She lost a lot of blood." The doctor started. "We keep her in a coma but we don't know of she would wake up." "What?" James said. "She is not doing well." The doctor said. "But she is going to make it." I said. "We have to wait." He said. "Thank you." I thanked the doctor and he left.

James and I looked at each other. "Who is going to tell Bradley?" James asks. "I will." I said with tears in my eyes.

We walked back to Bradley. "It took you a while." Connor said. "You have news?" Brad asks.

I told him everything what the doctor told us. You could see the tears in his eyes. We all had tears in our eyes. "Wait what about the baby?" Brad asks. Oh no I forgot about it.

I ran out to found the same doctor again. "I have a question about Elizabeth." I told him as he looked at me. "What happened to the baby?" I ask him. "We took the baby away, she is too weak for it... If we didn't she would die too." The doctor told me. I thanked him and ran back to Bradley.

"And?" He asks. I don't know how to tell him he lost his second baby too...


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