Chapter 28: just an innocent girl

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Elizabeth's pov

I was finally home. After 2 days in the hospital. Bradley was already back to the USA. He had a show to play.

I laid down on the couch with Jesse next to me. I watched some tv but I wasn't focusing on it. The only thing on my mind was that I lost my baby.

It was 4 PM so Bradley was about to wake up. Because it is mornin in america now. I dicide to text them.

To Bradleybear ❤️: wake uppp your sleeping heart 💕💕💕

It took a while till he answered.

From Bradleybear ❤️: hey love 💕💕

To Bradleybear ❤️: how was the show yesterday? Xx

From Bradleybear ❤️: good, the fans were lovely. But I gotta go to an interview now 😔😘

To Bradleybear ❤️: have fun! Xx

From Bradley ❤️: not without you 😔😔

I let him cuz he had to do an interview. I sat up and saw Jesse was still asleep when someone knocked on the door. I opened it and saw a boy.

"Uhm hey?" I ask him. "Is Bradley home?" He asks. "No he is on tour." I told him and he walked away. Weired.

That evening was quiet boring. I was cuddling with Jesse. I turned off the tv because I wanted to go to bed when I heard noices from upstairs. I ignored it and got something to drink before I went upstairs.

I opened the bedroom door as someone grabbed me and closed the door. I looked at a boy. That boy that was at the door earlier. I looked at him as I remembered him. It was Luke. One of bradley's party friends.

"Let me go!" I shout as I try to get out his grib but he just laughed. "Leave me alone!" I shout.

"Why do you keep shouting, there is no one coming to help you!" He shout back.

He throw me on the bed and before I got up he was all over me.. He was touching me everywhere. I couldn't do a thing. Shouting wasn't going to help because there was no one at home except Jesse but what can she do. I just let it happen cuz trying to kick him off of me only makes it worse.

"You're so innocent." He smirked. I saw him undressing himself till he was in his boxers. I was so scared I just freeze. I felt him undressing me slowly.

As he start kissing and sucking my neck I let out a breath. I was realizing what was going to happen but nothing I can do about it... I'm just an innocent girl.

Because Bradley and Liz are doing great I want some other drama.

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