Chapter 26: the blond girl.

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Elizabeth's pov

I was bored without the boys. I can't go out cuz I'm pregnant but today Fien and I went shopping. It was so much fun. When we arrived at my place I sat down on the couch. I took a deep breath.

"My feet hurt." I signed. "Let's watch a movie." Fien said.

Halfway trought the movie someone rang the doorbell. I stood up and opened it. There was an 18 year old blond girl standing there. She looked like a slut.

"Hey." I faked a smile. "Oh hey." She smiled. "What are you doing here?" I ask her. "Well Bradley asks me to come clean the house twice a week." She told me. I let her in.

"Well do your job." I said and she start cleaning. I sat down next to Fien again. "So Bradley send her?" Fien asks. "Yes." I said. "Can she just wear such a small skirt and a little top, you can see her bra?" She asks. "I'm not gonna start a discussion with her I need to relax." I said and looked at my tummy. "That's right." She said.

The movie was almost over when I got a text. It must be Bradley.

From Bradleybear ❤️: hey beautiful, how are u? Xxxx

To Bradleybear ❤️: hey handsome, I'm doing good, how is LA? Xx

From Bradleybear ❤️: LA is awsome, you never guess who I saw yesterday evening.. Xx

To Bradleybear ❤️: who? Xxxx

From Bradleybear ❤️: Justin Bieber 😊 and your favorite female singer... XXX

To Bradleybear ❤️: you saw Ariana Grande??? Xxxx

From Bradleybear ❤️: yesss xxxxx

To Bradleybear ❤️: I'm so jelouse now... xxxxx

From Bradleybear ❤️: oh I whish you were here with me 😘😘

To Bradleybear ❤️: uhu I'm so bored without you Xxxx

"Hey can I have something to drink?" Someone asks. I looked behind me and saw that blond girl. "Sure, get yourself something from the kitchen." I told her.

"I have to go." Fien said and stood up. "See you tomorrow." I said as I let her out.

I went to the kitchen and there she stood. That girl. Ugh she had too much make up on her face.

"Hey." I said and she looked up at me. "Hey." She smiled. "Because you are coming here more often I should ask after your name." I said. "It's Kate." She said. "Nice to meet you Kate, I'm Elizabeth." I told her. "I better get back to cleaning." She said and walked away.

I think we don't get pretty good with each other.

~~ the next day ~~

I opened my eyes to see the sun trought the window. I smiled as I hugged brad's pillow. It smells like him. I turned around and grabbed my phone to see 5 texts.

From jamz: happy birthday to my favorite girl!! 😘🎉

From Trissy: happy birthday to YOUUUU, happy birthday to YOUUU, happy birthday dear Lizzy!! Happy birthday to YOOUU!! Xx

From Con: happy birthday cutie! 😘😘

From mom: happy birthday sweety xx

From Bradleybear ❤️: wake uppp your sleeping heart 😘 happy birthday love, I left you a present in my closet 😏😘 I hope you like it. Xx

I went to his closet to look for his gift. As I found it I opened it and saw a bracelett. It was cute.

To Bradleybear ❤️: thank you for the bracelett I love it.. Xx

From Bradleybear ❤️: have fun on your day, but not to much! Xx

To Bradleybear ❤️: I won't and how was the show? Xx

From Bradleybear ❤️: awsome, the crowd was sooo loud! Well I'm going to bed now byee XXX

To Bradleybear ❤️: goodnight handsom.. Xxx

Time zones sucks so bad.

I put on the bracelett that Bradley gave me.

Fien and Kay came here to celebrate my birthday. They gave me some awsome presents. I love them so much.

We were watching a horror movie. I hate to watch such kind of movies without Brad. Brad should be here to hold me for the scary Parts.

"Turn it off!" I shout when it got scared. "Don't be a sissy." Kay laughed. "I can't watch this." I said as I walked to the kitchen.

I took something to drink as I slipped and felt to the ground. I couldn't get up. I screamed in pain and Kay and Fien came running throwards me. "Call an ambulance." Fien said as Kay took her phone. "Are you okay?" Fien ask and sat down next to me. "I- I'm f- fine." I said. I tried to get up but it hurt too much. I hold my tummy cuz it was in so much pain. "Liz you're bleeding." Fien said pretty worried. I looked up and saw the blood. "NOO." I shout from the pain. "Try to stay calm. The ambulance is on his way." Kay said.


Bradley's pov.

Our show today was earlier cuz we were playing outside on a kind of festival. Soundcheck went great.

After soundcheck I was listening to some music when Connor came running throwards me.

"Liz felt and now she is in the hospital." He said. "What?" I asked him. "Fien told me." He said. "Is she okay?" I ask. "They don't know yet the only thing they know is that she lost a lot of blood." Connor told me. "I need to go to here." I said and stood up. "You can't." Joe said walking up to us. "But I have to!" I shout. "Bradley there are a lot of people outside waiting for you, you can't just leave." Joe told me.

I had to do the show. It was fun but the whole time I was thinking about Liz and the baby. I had to go there.

After the show I went to Joe. "Hey Joe can we talk?" I ask him. "Is it about Liz?" He asks. "You know the next show is in two day so I looked it up and I can go to Liz for a moment and be back in time." I told him. "I don't know Bradley." He said. "I promise I be back in time." I said... Joe was thinking. "Go and make sure she is alright." He said and I thanked him..


Oh nooo Liz is in the hospital, hope she and the baby is okay..

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